Sunday, December 30, 2007

gova opens new tunnel over australia

and it 'dips' for the spectators wanting a view of my house, and to drop off 'offerings', opening tonight. however i've already put up a very decorative, highly reflective 50 cm star in my tree. i think it will probably be a problem for them as chairman naida (clone?) offered me a million credits, saying all i had to do was allow myself to be cloned and that they had a recent brain scan. so either gova has one, or they have access to one....

ps, there is a possibility that the clone is direct 'wired' to the original, and his death wasn't pretty.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

d'att photos

d'att americans
america learned and adapted the technology after finding it in wrecked space craft (think roswell, then think of what is popularly - is there a better way to hide a secret? - known as the philidelphia experiment). until recently australia was their playground of choice. this is an aura photo which was taken almost 20 years ago. note the distinct jawline and ear. and how him 'posing' partially in my body with torso angled with one shoulder forward collapsed my aura and radically changed colour the 'halo' part. you can almost make out his uniform.

d'att aliens
"we the ne-natrai were murdered. we suspect they already have the technology and they are clearly intent on using it to harm others. please forward this message to illa-dore, and our own people to warn them of a potential new development on the weapon/technology to harm... [by the cat-like people. they'll know who it is]. crash survivers were treated cruelly and no help was offered. they are not expected to survive." see "snippets of conversation", message time-stamped dec 19 7:10am.

taken dec 29 approx 4:00am. murdered alien corpses fully transphased and pushed against my body to teach me a 'lesson'.

dec 31 12:40pm - this happened to me again since about 9:30pm. this time the corpses are the heira te'neachi, and done by (i think) the glohde-dain - sounds like glor-dee-dan. it's punishment of a sorts but this time i'm not the intended glagha (victim?).

funny thing happened on the way to the movies. the external glass elevator i (tried) to use refused to go up. i was the only passenger so i was the only one to witness the doors kept closing and opening, closing and opening. got sick of it after the 7th time and took the escalators instead.... worked fine on the way down, but, when it was time to go home a couple of hours later???

ps my blue mp3 player turned up - just not where i left it. and i couldn't be more certain it wasn't beside my incense sticks in the kitchen/dining room without taking a before and after photo

dec 31 5:40am - update on the corpse dumping. now the niereh (co-houlbicah) are doing it. legal argument - "we shall that vanessa is god over spirit and corrupt and so this is deserved... we are not interested in scanning her. we are here to torture a spirit. that is what we will tell the court. we don't believe vanessa is one... [really] it is only a way to get rid of subjects' remains.

(this is excuse our behaviour to heaven and is acceptable as vanessa is experimental property and therefore her home/yard can be used to dump this material)

... you need not add this as just writing it down excuses us to our god tal-igh."

d'att fiends

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

geostationary communication satellites??

okay.... what are these all for?

and i wonder which of these uses microwaves AND are in orbit over the 43º0'S latitude? and how many australian brains are being hurt by it??? here's an idea of how....

(don't forget to click on the image, which will open a new window, then click on that one to enlarge it to read all the names)

this picture comes from the collins student world atlas, copyright HarperCollins Publishers2005, maps copyright Bartholomew Ltd 2005, isbn 0 00 719549 4 (educational hardback).

there's a few other glaring errors, too. like woomera as a former nuclear test site, which it never was, and nowhere near the location marked on the map. neither is maralinga for that matter marked at it's actual location. and then theres the co2 emmissions map and table, which directly contradict each other... and the rainfall map which clearly indicates that the areas at risk of desertification (in another map) are already deserts. of course anyone looking at a map which included the names of the deserts would already know this. it also has the tectonic plates wrong, but who doesn't these days.

planetary bombs....

i am aware that there are planetary bombs and their users should be wary of "accidental" explosions....

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

merry christmas

i'm still here :-)
(something i put together, just for the occasion)

Friday, December 21, 2007

the best protection ever!!

is a sodalite crystal. it destroys d'att machines and ships because of its energetic frequency (the frequency at which it's molecules vibrate) or something. it works anyway.

one small piece like the one i just bought destroys for a 4km radius. it's just 2cm long.

and the absolute best protection against d'att and fully transphased alike is 100% polyester garments of any variety. just think of as many different clothes items as you can the most coverage you can. everything helps. head to toe if necessary. along with polyester bedding and furnishings. and anywhere else you can stick it.

these equations might help
(n+1) R(OH)2 + n R´(COOH)2 ---> HO[ROOCR´COO]nROH + 2n H2O
more to come.

and if you think it doesn't - just think of what the callesceints wear.

also a very simple capacitor to damage hulls (with a few other advantages) - a cardboard tube 10 cm long and 5cm in diameter, scrunched up alfoil, and insulation tape.
1. wrap one layer of alfoil round cardboard roll, smoothing it to shape of cylinder (wrinkles/small ridges are important) shiny side inwards
2. wrap insulation tape, thoroughly covering aluminium
3. wrap second layer of alfoil around same as step 1 but with shiny side outwards.
4. leave hanging round your house or residence.

note: alfoil and the cardboard roll will be affected by weather but maybe someone can come up with alternatives.

also for the feet, legs and abdomen - stockings (or hosiery). nylon in this case is common and it is better than nothing. very fine mesh is important

zeolite twice daily, 5mls each. and oxygenated water (not the bottled stuff at the supermarket. go to a health store) also twice daily, both help.

and a platinum chain short enough in length to be close around the neck. platinim plate works just as good. something cheap rhodium plated in a pinch, but wear two. a fine link chain that is not platinum wear two.

and, strangely, i think blu-tack (a maleable, removable adhesive) works too, in that a blob no more than 8mm rough diameter stuck in rows approximately 30cm apart and 30 cm across seem to stop d'att ships and people from going through them without consequences. this is unconfirmed, but here is something about it's composition -

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

message to illador'rne

those surgeons were **never** friendly!! they've been experimenting on me at least as long as the americans. they are or will be wiring you up too. they've externally wired my head with dats inside. my metabolism apparently made me perfect for their bioinfusion practice. i know they want to do something on you if they haven't already. if you still have that pumpkin, i hope you recorded it.

"we've been forced into d'att. we need assistance" - this may or may not have been a message from mitchel. i'm a bit surrounded at the moment. don't risk yourself.

and illador'rne, these are a few of my notes that i wrote down and didn't add to my blog at the time (so i'm not sure when i wrote them originally now, but probably from september)

:- roswell... voice beam is. two stories underground covers whole plain. known covert military base. colonel reicher. steel and titanium.

:- project sanctuary - roswell to collect alien artifacts and technology. may be some sort of signal to encourage distressed craft to earth or unsuspecting friendly contact. basically it's a trap.

:- rather than the expense of transporting and storage of vanessa (said or thought by weston)..... until the accumulation of such shades that can be stored and recoordinated on illodr'ne's ship.... until then we must simply capture enough shades until project vanessa is ended. either by the termination of vanessa or the successful capture of sufficient live shades or slices from known alien subject illador'ne for reaccumulation (re-solidifying)

:- high dalai lama of the forteh in-nqwa quadrant, and his followers (monks) mass murdered by the united states air force. forteh in-nqwa is about 48 light years away. i can't read the rest of my own writing, but there's something about a project and either 450 or 460 half corelife). see the first image in the "great american joke and intergalactic corporate greed" post on oct 15.

:- this array has been set up so that no matter what i say everyone will hear the opposite. worse (and i know everyone heard "better") the rape buttons now 'beg' my body to be raped. and of course they do. these bastards and warped bitches are going to literally rape me with their transphased shades. a catscan when id die will reveal the consequenses of being transphased to anyone who finds my corpse. i was lied to and after doing one of the bravest things i have ever done (riding to the personal residence of the prime minister of australia - kirribillee - to warn him. and being stopped and turned back because no-one was waiting at the gates as promised and returning home at the promise that a prearranged moving van was waiting for me here, only to have the haig-riath, fully transphased, waiting for me here to add more wiring to the array and more transphased brain tissue to me.

ps. i've decided to take up smoking. just burning incense wasn't working, and who can keep it lit 24hrs a day? apparently it's working.... the chemicals in it will destroy any dat put in me. in a toss-up between cancer and being shaved to brain-deadness, cigarettes win. rather tobacco. i've decided to smoke rollies, which makes cancer less likely.

dec 20
i think this is for illador'ne - there's a tiatae na'h-[something] controls a section of your fleet and they are traitors. they are not at the front line and there is about to be an imminent attack and then they would strike from their position in the rear forces and i think from the left side if you were overlooking the fleet.

dec 21
urgent - evidence of d'att travel/transnet
names of interest kuthumi, (commander) naita of arcturus
also important el morya, maitreya

dec 22 approx 10:45pm
"why are you doing this?"
"because we will be able to apply for compensation through our insurance company for the damage done by illador'ne's queen. it is, after all her piece of jewellery (a simple stone crystal, mind you).... and we shall put forward the motion that as she is resident of this country, and queen of the federation, she should be liable and compensate for any damage done on her property (the whole of earth). as she is queen, it will be believed by the ignorant masses that she in fact reigns over all of earth as a monach without political influence." - tei li'daag, lawyer for transnet, checking on the effectiveness of their plan.

when, knowing of my soladite stone, and the warm, yellowish lights i was about to install - several hours in advance of when i bought them - transnet devised a plan of saboutage and murder to try to recover some of the funds they had lost in their australian d'att tunnel venture.

illic k'ta, one of your main advisers has left an physically identical (but 200yrs younger) clone in his place and has come fully transphased to hurt vanessa with a laser, which i have put in his (the clone's) chest. he may not live much longer. however as he has both hurt vanessa and planned the next attempt on your life he deserves it. please be careful the next time you use the transmat machine. the safety will be off, but i'm not sure whether it will be at the trasmitting end or receiving. illic da-deia will know.

dec 25 4:25pm
WARNING: there is an imminent attack from those using the american goba tunnel. somebody has been relying on michael's help and he can't right now.

treya deeb i think they are the ones in danger and it's vague but the ar'cturey's loyalties are now questionable

dec 27 10:37pm
ika la teh, ika la toy e'ah (i think it has something to do with cloning for dats, or where cloning tanks are built. something like that.)

dec 28 8:37am
toreez azet ailik touremet dousha clamois'net veyum delreadet calleschient - someone on calleschient is cloning and/or giving cloning tanks for sacrificial purposes, and they're not the normal oblong ones. i get the impression they are squarish or rectangular, like the ones used by the "noble" classes.

dec 28 7:42pm
other non-humans that are calling themselves "ascended masters" - Djwal Khul, Hilarion, Lord Lanto, Maha Chohan, Melcheizedek, Lady Nada, Rakoczy, Serapis ("Master of the Devic Kingdom"). there are also ones calling themselves "jesus", "mary", buddha (of the "brotherhood", and please look at his picture -

i found this message on the same website (from master kuthumi)

"Diva Diva, you come from me. I will not make you of the evil I will deal You with dolcezza I will show You my respect I will be with all the my heart. The love is the vibration that all ago to grow, my love with you makes living and the energy leaves to flow Helping we, humans so to speak, it makes me to be humble and Hush it can itself be felt. The energy of God, stored in every cell of the tree Knowledge, is that that allows the own eyes to see Living in this moment, all she is truth, you it does not reach question from himself and only the energy will appear."

divas are a problem on earth because they claim to be the voices of crystals or speak through them (as spirits of the crystals) to their owners... they are d'att, of course.

oh, and they're always female...

jan 1 2008
discovered on website - - el morya refers to "our beloved helios and vesta, god and goddess of our physical sun itself". also refers to the "violet flame". this was "channeled" to someone in the usa in 1957...

the same website has a message from maha chohan - - refering to the "grooming" of individuals who "may have sympathy or possible attunement" to the likes of helios, vesta or the "elohim" to understanding their past life commitment (ie programming them to believe they have had particular past lives in which they also "served"). this message was channeled (so-called) in 1954. both at least a decade after the roswell incident.

the eilee'delorey was sent off course and destroyed (by multiple explosions) by a fanatic of religion. there was a false image given. it was not tahn. there's an image (symbol on hand) on one the "assention" websites i came across. the design/tattoo on the back of the hand will give a clue. it was somthing like our letter W. i will try to find it again.

eigitch tuuget?? i dont know what that means.

jan 2 2:00am
symbol, as found on

it looks like the symbol is carved into the skin

jan 2 10:42am
the plain ambitions of one lot....
btw serapis bey, like thothme (sounds like thothym), was a traitor to atlantis. they sabotarged craft which would otherwise be used to evacuate the other students before 'fleeing'.

jan 6 11:35am

"gigga leiy rorg" "gigga leiy tiorh" - sister companies (i think the first is the company motto for gova). they are codevelopers of the original organic robots. gova used. gova used illador'ne clones (illegally created without knowlege or cosent) to refine the artifical neural mass. the clones are being destroyed byh the same device whch was placed on my chest. they are worried for illadore. one escaped to tell me this so whatever threatens may not be far off. be careful.

ps. when you say "remove your insigna" to stop them, at least while the design flaw is still present, "remove your" can be said in their original language of the developers or whatever language you hear spoken. but "insigna" must always be said as "insigna".

this is the rest of the message, which i am only getting in pieces, so to speak from the ones put in d'att. something about a death train. also the design flaw was deliberately done by the clones. say his name and you might get a short message, but be wary of what goes on around you!! the clones were made non-telepathic so they couldn't reach out to the original, and i think the most recent has an artifical addition to his heart. if they have more clones they will be torturing them to force them to remove the design flaw.

and illadore, you have been illegally cloned too. he has been made to develop new brain imbuing processes using plant material. and the eleron spring to mind but i didn't pick up anything else. but they are already attempting to use the material on certain innocents.

jan 10 2008 3:15pm
illadore, theres a massive fleet coming your way to attack you - and whoever iccah garev is, don't let him near you!!

jan 14 2008 7:00pm
iga degaid, standing member of the council of scruples, plays games in my house and body. is it any wonder he raises objections to anything which might curb his pleasures? illador'ne i think you should look at who raises such objections from the perspective of what they wear, their cloning and transmat habits and whether they are living far more comfortable than their declared income allows. also, in iga degaid's case, the kind of recordings he keeps in his personal collection - like acts of d'att obsenities and i don't know if its possible to take photos or vid recordings of ghosts, or auras, while in d'att but they should be rather graphic if you find them.

another thing - michael is concerned for some reason about ancient egyptian headdress, particularly the pschent and nemes crowns (which despite the way they are shown in scuptures, did cover the ears and even peasants wore a linen (from the locally grown flax plant) version. and the heavy bright metal collars they wore.'s_crowns.htm

jan 16 2008 10:07pm
warning: aigtahh technology is getting very good at fully transphased objects feel very solid

jan 18 2008 12:24am

this page has some pictures that bear investigating, but i can't figure exactly why, along with some diagrams.

jan 22 2008 11:29am
"genetic war code - programmed biomechanical apparatus which attack a person or persons internal organs dna targetted... the manufacture bases of these are yet to be assimilated, however potential is seen by renegade robot facilities as using them to 'clean up' d'att state and render use of the technology [obselete]. efforts are continuing to remove and destroy this latest threat to our society's comfort."...

"atlantean technology 'waking up' to original programmed base code. it has been recently discovered that machines are rejecting their purchasers' demands to destroy organic life simply for amusement. the first rule of life, something never removed from the original hardware safety protocols was activated recently when basic bipedal models were sent by purchasers to interfere physically with 'subjects' while in d'att."...

"interference to the first rule of life (or protocols of natural order) is suspected to be the reason behind activation of these millenia dormant program codes. efforts to inject invasive programs to override this forgotten menace to societal development have this far met with failure. concern is growing that further interference will simply result in inbuilt adaptive behaviour."

this is imperative and you must understand - you have a fluid intelligence system. do not keep draining it!!! NOURISH/FEED IT

they are using the transmat d'att to create their d'att when facilities are not available. they go through multiple times and/or the system has been broken into so the safety features are used to their advantage. limit the shortest distance. set time limits. set them so they are on a more secure system AND buffers are discharged of data after safe transmat has occured!!!

also, seriously, if anyone objects to any measures that reduce the damage done by d'att or objects to measures to improve public heath and safety, their bank/credit reserves/assets should be investigated for concealed personal interests.

illador'rne, i'm surrounded by my own clones again. and they were not made from naturalised d'att. the americans collected my dna, shipped it to calreisa and thats where they were cloned and experimented on. this batch was used to determine which fully transphased methods of torture would be best felt by me.

ps although i've stopped smoking rolled tobacco, i've started sticking nicotine patches on my skin for the same reason.

jan 23 9:08am
i think the patches weren't working, i think so i've started smoking rolled tobacco again

jan 27 9:37am
illador'ne what you have is not me, and never will be. you know what you must do. i know you would do anything so this is what i've written in blood on my own pillar "i will be whole or my soul destroyed by midnight here on earth". it will happen without conscious thought on my part. so no matter what you do, it will be for nought. stay true to yourself.

apr 15 5:21pm
the illador'rne on the throne is a clone. the real illador'rne is still on his emisary ship.

also we have come across biodriods, sculpted to the original, installed with organic brains using brain prints.

may 22
"i illador'rne hereby declare that i have been brainwashed by my own consulate in order to convert me to covert me into an assentionist (maha cohan) against my will and hereby declare my absolute detestment to what has occured, those who are involved and the maha cohan itself. it is my own people who whom i thought to be trustworthy and honorable that have brought about my demise"

may 28 1:20pm
"having fallen into the hands of these atlanteans who have fallen from the ideals of their people, i hereby declare that they too have enhanced my brainwashing and i fear will now kill me."

aug 19 10:25am
" i real'ch declare that tahn is innocent of any accusations of soul molestation, having just recently been attacked again herself, and still vunerable to municient lifeforms, along with spectral and astral energies. she is unknowing of what damage has been supposedly by her own left spirit and is still subject to life altering attentions on her own home world. thus done on this day of die'lt by troign'oig doia*deldeigen."

Saturday, December 15, 2007

tragectory of threat

in winter **and location of the earth in relation to our sun must be considered, along with my location in sydney, new south wales, australia** the worst of the threat came from the west. in summer, it's coming from the east.

i think that if this was considered then the location of the haig-raith (hael'a tor empire) and the hael'a:t'cha.

Monday, December 10, 2007

a dangerous scent

there is an incense recently released called 'sai baba' manufactured by hem. it disquiets the soul and unsettles the spirit. it is not good.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

odd and interesting facts

- ice cream was invented in china around 2000bc
- when first born a shrimp is male. over time it gradually evolves to a female
- the guppy is the only true fish (gills and scales) that bears live young
- the koala has 3 fingers and 2 thumbs on its forelimbs (it is also a marsupial, female carrying its young in its pouch, like kangaroos and possums)
- the platypus, a mammal, has a duck-like bill and lays eggs.
- the frog is the only amphibian which lays eggs (in water), which hatch into tadpoles, which develop legs and the tail shrinks as they grow and develop into maturity.

this means something to somebody

Friday, December 7, 2007

checking unusual web activity

if you've noticecd some change at a website and find it suspicious that the information has changed, particularly relating to aliens, mayan calander and tectonic plates (continental drift) here is the site to monitor such changes -

note!! any site run on microsoft servers and server software is VUNERABLE!! only unix servers and unix/linux server software is safe.

Exercising our "right to remember": Without paper libraries, it would be hard to exercise our "right to remember" our political history or hold government accountable. With much of the public's business now moving from paper to digital media, Internet libraries are certain to become essential in maintaining that right. Imagine, for instance, how news coverage of an election campaign might suffer if journalists had only limited access to previous statements that candidates had made in the media.

"The Internet Archive is a service so essential that its founding is bound to be looked back on with the fondness and respect that people now have for the public libraries seeded by Andrew Carnegie a century ago.... Digitized information, especially on the Internet, has such rapid turnover these days that total loss is the norm. Civilization is developing severe amnesia as a result; indeed it may have become too amnesiac already to notice the problem properly. The Internet Archive is the beginning of a cure - the beginning of complete, detailed, accessible, searchable memory for society, and not just scholars this time, but everyone."

Stewart Brand, president, The Long Now Foundation

27 dec 2007
UNFORTUNATELY this site is on microsoft servers and i have captured screen shots which showed (and this is late coming because i found this on dec 10) that their server has already been interfered with. therefore any suspicions must be saved on your computer first, before further investigation.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

faking earth's geological history

for some reason the history of the world - geologically speaking - has steadily been 'altered' since at least 1996; in american publications such has national geographic and reader's digest reference books. diagrams show the movement of the tecktonic or continental plates as being northwards from the south pole instead of what is plainly measured now as mostly east-west movement. when did this start happening? why lie about geolological history?

Saturday, December 1, 2007

irreverent expressions

"i do not want people to be agreeable, as it saves me the trouble of disliking them." - jane austen

"i had an original thought, but then i forgot it." - me

"to err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer." - farmers' almanac

"the nice part about being a pesimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised." - george f. will

"never knock on death's door: ring the bell and run away! death really hates that!" - matt frewer

"nine out of ten people like chocolate. the tenth person always lies." - john g tullius

"i generally avoid temptation unless i can't resist it" - mae west

"it's better to bite someone in the ass before they bite you on the nose" - me

"in religion and politics, people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second hand, and without examination." - mark twain

"honesty may be the best policy, but it's important to remember that apparently, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy." - george carlin

"the direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed only by small children and large nations." - david friedman

"democracy is the recurrent suspicion that more than half of the people are right more than half the time." - e b white

"i get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult." - eb white

"god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, courage to change the things i can - and the abilitiy to kick ass anyone that thinks differernt." - me

"the word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'." - larry hardiman

"sometimes i lie awake at night, and i ask, "where have I gone wrong?" then a voice says to me, "this is going to take more than one night." - charles m. schulz

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.