Sunday, December 9, 2007

odd and interesting facts

- ice cream was invented in china around 2000bc
- when first born a shrimp is male. over time it gradually evolves to a female
- the guppy is the only true fish (gills and scales) that bears live young
- the koala has 3 fingers and 2 thumbs on its forelimbs (it is also a marsupial, female carrying its young in its pouch, like kangaroos and possums)
- the platypus, a mammal, has a duck-like bill and lays eggs.
- the frog is the only amphibian which lays eggs (in water), which hatch into tadpoles, which develop legs and the tail shrinks as they grow and develop into maturity.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.