Tuesday, February 26, 2008

the faces of mars

this is probably one of the most famous space images of all time. the face on mars - used first to actively encourage interest in nasa's interplanetory exploration ambitions. then to quell it (when further 'analysis' declared it a natural phenomomyn and not 'face like' at all) when the political agenda changed. it was taken in 1976 by the viking orbiter in the region known as cydonia, at latitude 40° north. it's size, as best they could judge it, was roughly 2.5 km (1.6 miles) long, 2 km (1.2 miles) wide and up to 940 m (2,600 ft. high).

there were two other images taken, so they claimed of the same area, one in 1998 and later in 2001. to put it simply, i don't believe they are the same face. i also believe that the subsequent images were doctored to make them appear similar. firstly look carefully at the first image. the drop from the jaw to the mars surface is steep and pronounced. the second - the 1998 image shows a clear shelf or ledge. the third is different again. and for a mere 3yrs difference there seems to be marked erosion for them to be of the same monument. BUT both the 1998 and 2001 images DO SHOW DEFINITE LAYERS IN THEIR CONSTRUCTION!! just in different places when you look over the brow. and it seems, despite the advancements in technology, they couldn't manage to get the focus right on the background/surface.

in the 1976 image you also clearly see bumps over the top of the head and a rather distinct mouth. on the 1998 one there seems to be a cleft palate?... and they want us to believe these are all of the same 'landform'.

now a little playing around with the 2001 photo -

okay, so i did a little creative editing myself. but then, nasa did it first.

Monday, February 25, 2008

paypal servers not secure

my paypal account was interfered with. transaction records were changed. emails of actual transactions **no longer match the on-site history**. doesn't matter, you say? afterall they still got paid. i still got my items. but that isn't the point. it's another case of financial records freely altered my some unscrupulous organisation.i picked this up on three recent purchase records. paypal does email you the instant you make a payment or 'send money'. and my emails go to my gmail account. so i still have them.

two of the payments were for ebay purchases. the other transaction was to pay extra to make up for the postage method i chose. now, while i can't say 100% when the transaction history on-site was changed, i'm pretty damned sure it was only in the last month...

date/time stamps and transaction ids are highlighted for comparison.

well, with my paypal account also interfered with, that means that every financial account i've had has been accessed by some "unknown party" and altered in some way - my savings account, both visa and mastercard accounts, and now my paypal account. i did email them to inform them of this breach of security but no response thus far, aside from that it will be 'escalated'. so here it is now, like the rest, on my blog.

one might ask why. well, if this was happening regularly to any number of accounts worldwide, who never noticed their records being changed, and whose banks also held no record of electronic money disappearing and reappearing, i'd say it was so that certain governments could play the short term money market. putting a few extra zeros on their national account might be a bit obvious, but speculating is one way to launder illegal funds. money for nothing.

.... you think somebody doesn't like me? somebody that uses the rootkit server virus to steal funds? alter website content? interfere with people's lives? somebody? just to prove they can, despite me posting off the screenshots to both my bank and to asio because it won't change a thing? some body.... or some governments?

i think they just don't like me because i would not be convinced that i had past lives lived in servitude of some great cause. because i would not play their game. and because in a desperate effort to understand what was happening to me i searched the internet, and found i wasn't the only one. i am possibly the only one, however, with a bent for gathering information and trying, at least, to let others know.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


once there was another world in our solar system capable of supporting (evolving) organic life. that world was marsia. that world orbitted our sun between earth and mars, and has been since the ice age that killed off the dinasoars a belt of rubble - what is simply described in maps of our solar system as 'the asteroid belt'.

if you think about it the accepted theory that it was a meteor of such size and velocity that struck the earth on some land surface and raised a dust cloud into the atmosphere so dense that it changed the surface temperature of the planet is so unlikely as to be completely disregarded.

for a start, all life would have choked because for the dust to have risen into the upper atmosphere in sufficent quantity to 'block out the sun' meant that breathable air would no longer be breathable. ASSUMING that such an impact didnt simply blast off the atmosphere entirely and leave our world looking very much like a mars itself (the most likely outcome), if still here at all.

no, the climate changing dust came not from a meteor, but from the destruction of our neighbour. it was matter from that exploded planet which coated our upper atmosphere with a blanket of dust which showered on our world without physically affecting the planet below. that is history so ancient that you won't find it anywhere. those responsible, however, still exist. it was the eholim.

when human imagination first reached out into space for their story telling it was mars and the possibility of martians which enlivened our science fiction. the real marsians, however, were telepathic. and had the misfortune to be telepathic on a 'frequency' which allowed them to pick up, innocently, the careless thoughts/conversation of the eholim. this they found offensive, and finally the decision was made to take punitive action.

basically the souls of these people were slivered, the slices driven mad and left to haunt their living vessels. it took decades (which the eholim didn't mind as they find such suffering 'amusing', and they are afterall eternal). but the desired outcome was achieved in that finally the wrong scientist was at the wrong post. and their world was destroyed in a mass of screaming souls. and their 'punishment' continues. their souls demented, few - a very few - if any have been reborn at all since. they are instead condemned to inhabit the icy tail of a comet.

do a search on synthetic merkaba and you'll find sites and messages both trying to guess what it is and attributing the destruction of mars to their creation of it. there was no mars civilisation. around each sun there is only limited arena where life can develop. a donut shape with the star in the middle where it's not too hot and not too cold. the rest of nature's coin flips have to do with gravitiy to begin with, then air, then water.

synthetic merkaba did not destroy the marsians, it was what they devised to try to save their people, to try to ward off the monsters set on tormenting and destroying them. built on the surface of mars and with a big enough field of influence to affect marsia itself. on earth they're called orgones, or orgonite. on mars they look like faces. for them their completion came too late. the eholim made their lives a living hell as only they could - "punishment" for the marsians daring to try to save themselves.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

the shortfalls of cloning

while in nutritional difference between the cloned and naturally conceived dinner plate will always be glossed over as "not significant", other issues have already come to light, at least in a commercial sense. we will never know what millitary applications have already created using cloning techniques. and if you doubt that - think about it. even the microwave oven was developed and released commercially **after** the same company (raytheon) had a folder full of patents for various designs for microwave weaponry. and the united states at least had a policy in place for the research and devopment of human genome projects since 1900.

so lets look at what has been admitted, at least, for the animals favoured for profitable clone development. firstly it is known that cloning will reduce their lifespan, and lead to an increase and sooner development of age related diseases.

an exerpt from an article published on the australian abc website, thursday 27 may 1999.

"Dolly the sheep has DNA damage that might cause premature ageing, according to research by scientists who created the clone in 1996. The team from the Scottish biotechnology firm PPL Therapeutics has found Dolly and two other cloned sheep have shorter than normal telomeres - sections of DNA at the end of chromosomes thought to be involved in ageing.

Telomeres have been likened to the protective caps on the ends of shoelaces that prevent the lace from unravelling over time. Only in living cells, it's thought the telomeres on the ends of chromosomes become progressively shorter with multiple cell divisions, until they reach a point when the chromosomes become unstable and prone to damage. This may be a mechanism to ensure the death of cells once they reach a certain age.

In today's Nature, the team report that Dolly, who was cloned from a cell taken from a six-year-old sheep, had telomeres about 20 per cent shorter than other sheep of a similar age conceived naturally. The finding is not unexpected because cells used for cloning have to be cultured - allowed to divide many times in laboratory dishes - a process that is known to shorten telomeres. And in Dolly's case, the shortening was compounded because she was derived from a cell from a middle-aged animal. But the confirmation is of interest because it should allow scientists to test theories linking shortened telomeres with premature ageing.

PPL's research director, Alan Coleman, said the team had not observed any signs of premature ageing in Dolly yet, but he conceded they might show up later. He says it is impossible to predict precisely how long the world famous sheep will live. It is not known what length of telomere is critical for life. Previous studies by researchers in the United States have shown mice bred to have shorter telomeres, did indeed show premature ageing - their hair turned grey, they developed cancers and died earlier than usual..."

"If the telomere theory is proven correct, it may place limits on the potential of exciting new medical technology arising from developments in cloning. Hopes of taking master cells from cloned human embryos and growing them into perfectly matched organs for transplant surgery could be thwarted if the process of creating the organs left them with a short life."

oh yes. as usual, only foisting commercial applications on an unsuspecting world will make up for the billions spent. in the end some justification of budget has to be sought... (from an article published monday 3rd july 2006)

"It later emerged that the same team, managed by Ian Wilmut, had previously created two sheep clones from embryonic cells. So, strictly speaking, Dolly was the first mammal to be successfully cloned from an adult cell.

Not all good news

After this breakthrough, other cloned species swiftly followed: horses, bulls, pigs, mice, rats, rabbits, cats and dogs and others. But the miscarriage rate of transplanted eggs is extremely high, and of those embryos that make it to term, many have deformities or, as happened with Dolly, die prematurely, a clear warning to any scientist mad or foolish enough to try to make a cloned baby.

The suspected cause is that the genetic software isn't transferred entirely, or is somehow damaged in the transfer. As a result, the machinery malfunctions - genes don't switch on or off as they should in the complex ballet of making proteins."

Dolly the cloned sheep, by the way, died at the ripe old age of six, barely reaching half the average lifespan of her more natural cousins. from the wikipedia website -

"Dolly (July 5, 1996 – February 14, 2003), a female sheep or ewe, was the first mammal to be cloned from an adult somatic cell, using the process of nuclear transfer. The cell used was a mammary gland , proving that a cell taken from a specific body part could create a whole individual. She was named Dolly after the curvaceous country western singer Dolly Parton. Previously it was believed that a specific cell could only produce replicas of the same body part from which it was obtained. She was cloned by Ian Wilmut, Keith Campbell and colleagues at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland, and lived there until her death at age six. Her birth was announced in February 1997."

"On November 11, 2003 it was announced that Dolly had been euthanised because of a progressive lung disease and crippling arthritis. A Finn Dorset such as Dolly would have had a life expectancy of around 12 - 15 years."

the autopsy concluded that dolly did not die as a result of being a clone. however she developed diseases only aged sheep were prone to suffer. remember she was cloned from a six year old sheep. so at the age of seven, genetically she was already 13 years old.

those flaws are genetic. they would be passed onto any and all offspring, threatening their genetic 'stability' generation to generation. a cascading of congenital deformities which with further cloning/inbreeding would only become both more numerous and more complex.

amercan propoganda furthers their own (cloning) ambitions

from time magazine website, article published sunday 19 febuary -

"Last month the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the sale of cloned meat in the U.S., having determined that products from cloned cattle, pigs and goats are as safe to eat as meat from their naturally reproduced brethren. That makes advocates happy: Cloning enables the livestock industry to do in a fraction of the time what breeders have been doing throughout history, narrowing the gene pool to its most desirable genes. Beyond that, say cloners, future benefits include production of genetically engineered animals that could offer a variety of benefits — more nutrient-rich milk, for example, for people without adequate access to food..."

"There are about 4,000 cloned cattle on the planet, and 600 of them in the U.S. They are used primarily for breeding purposes, and as yet, their products aren't officially sold anywhere — though there is anecdotal evidence that cloned food products have made their way into the market in the past. Currently the U.S., E.U., Australia, China, Japan and New Zealand all use cloned cattle and pigs. ViaGEN, a cloning and animal genetics company based in Austin, Tex., produces some 150 cloned cattle annually, which it sells to meat suppliers, primarily for breeding. ViaGEN says it will launch a system to log and track each of its clones, with a unique tracking number — but not its DNA — that will be stored in an independently run database. The company will also make efforts to keep any food products made from its clones out of markets that don't want them. "We're not making it voluntary," says Mark Walton, president of ViaGEN. "We will register every animal we produce and put that animal in the database so that information is available...."

THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE LIE!! australia doesn't have a "market" for cloned animals! a country with more than 23 million head of cattle and more than 100 million sheep DOES NOT need to clone or shortcut nature when it comes to breeding.

from the abc (australian broadcast channel) website, wednesday 16 january 2008 -

"Milk and meat from cloned cattle, pigs and goats is now officially as safe to eat as their everyday counterparts, says the US food safety authority. The announcement this week by the US Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA) follows a similarly favourable interim ruling on such foods from the European food safety agency. Australia meanwhile is considering its own experts' advice.

Cloned animals are most commonly produced using somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), the same technique used to create Dolly, the sheep. In this process, the genetic material of an animal with desirable traits is inserted into an egg, which is then implanted into a surrogate mother...."

"Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) says Australia is still considering whether to regulate food from cloned animals and their offspring. But at this stage, the food agency says there are no such products in the food chain. FSANZ says there are less than 100 cloned cattle and a small number of cloned sheep in Australia and New Zealand. It says researchers have voluntarily agreed to prevent these from entering the food chain. FSANZ says it provided the Australian Government with an assessment of evidence on cloned animal products safety at the end of 2007.

At the time of writing, the Department of Health and Ageing, which is providing a whole-of-government response on the question of cloned animals, could not provide any further comment."

as it is a known american attitude that they as civillians do not look outside their own back yard, let alone their own state or nation. such propoganda is easily disceminated and swallowed hook line and sinker. any nation outside of the new world government (basically the EU, japan and the united states. by default canada, alaska and mexico eventually when it is annexed. israel would be an 'unofficial' member) should look on their internal machinery very nervously.

in the meantime is should also be obvious that any differences in nutritional value will **never** come to light.... from the agence france-press wed 13 april 2005 -

"Beef and milk from cloned cattle is similar to that produced by normal animals, an international team of scientists has found.

The Japanese-US study, published online ahead of print in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, is the first to investigate the nutritional value and possible health risks of products from animal clones. "Most parameters of the composition of the meat and milk from somatic animal clones were not significantly different from those of their genetically matched comparators or industry breed comparators," says Professor Xiangzhong Yang of the University of Connecticut, who led the research team."

..... were not significantly different. so there were measurable differences, but not "significant" enough to be specific about. after all here is a technology which will make potentially billions of dollars in the food and medical industries. heaven forbid that any data should come to light to put a dint in that.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

secure checkout leaks like a sieve

having purchased an item via ebay i was referred to the company's market place interface to pay for it. however due to loss of replacement card (old one expired) i had to wait for a new one with different numbers on it. mysteriously, i received an email confirming checkout was complete for something i hadn't paid for. note that the email has no shipping added, no billing or delivery address and no card number. the emails, thankfully, are saved on google's server. i switched to gmail after strong suspicions that i wasn't getting all my emails via my own isp.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

eugenics - history of the manipulation of the human genome

"throughout the [nineteenth] century men of the sturdy stocks of the north of europe had made up the main strain of foreign blood which was every year added to the vital working-force of this country or else men of the latin-gallic stocks of france and northern italy, but now there came multitudes of men of the lower class and men of the meaner sort out of hungary and poland — men out of the ranks where there was neither skill nor any initiative of quick intelligence ..." - united states president woodrow wilson, writing in his "history of the american people of the shift in immigration to the united states" at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century

in the first part of the last century, the eugenics movement brought together some of the best geneticists and physicians in the western world. it was — and for some, still is — easy to endorse their initial agenda: civilized people have an obligation to minimize the number of defective versions of genes in their chromosomes and in those of their descendants, replacing them with good, better and best versions.

some eugenicists, however, were impatient with simple testing and counseling. would it not be easier to cultivate the best selections of human genes, they asked, if the wasteful, genetically risky business of having children were put under rational control, and easier still if the results of genetic analysis were fed into a state apparatus that would decide who could be born and who not?

andrew carnegie, whose free libraries grace new york and many other cities, was a generous and enthusiastic supporter, as well, of the international eugenics movement. He founded the carnegie station for experimental evolution at cold spring harbor, **long island, new york - the favourite place for the us military's more clandestine human research projects** - at the turn of the century. charles davenport, the director of the cold spring harbor laboratory in the 1920’s, contributed heavily to congress’s decisions in that decade to restrict immigration to the united states on "national" grounds. his testimony before congress, and that of others, was full of eugenic contentions couched in the most scientific tone; for example, alcoholism, poverty and avarice were argued to be "genes" inherited by people born of irish, italian and jewish parents, respectively.

the inaccuracy, intellectual sloppiness and prejudices of scientists like davenport and like-minded members of congress converged in the immigration law of 1926, which codified the most crudely racist and biologically foolish distinctions since the constitution’s definition of an african slave as two-thirds of a human being. by the 1940’s, this eugenically based law had blocked the escape to the united states of many people who subsequently died in actions carried out according to the more activist racial laws of the third reich - **not however, those highly educated in the fields of science and mathematics who for various reasons found it opportune to emmigrate**. not the unfortunate slavs and poles, but the for the most part jewish scientists whose family wealth and connections had assured them an education to reach the pinnicle of their chose professions, not to mention some political influence outside of germany itself.

(based on robert pollack's paper "natural design and moral constraints in science")

Thursday, February 14, 2008

rewriting jewish history

the single biggest piece of propaganda used to cover up a litany of corruption, falsifying of history and genocide is this man - adolf hitler, a jew himself. the two separately written and published volumes of mein kampf are effectively unheard of now. and the jewish book that inspired them may no longer exist at all except in a few very guarded vaults.

but lets look at the man himself. the man who made germany a military power to be reckoned with - and the rest of the world did - who expoused with fevour the perfect aryan - TALL, FAIR SKINNED, BLONDE HAIRED AND BLUE EYED. a description not befitting the swarthy, black haired, black moustached fanatic who sported a very distinct nose...

hitler was born illegitimate in braunau am inn, austria. his father a jew named alois hitler (1837-1903) "kept" his non-jewish austrian wife, klara poltz (1860-1907), and beat his family regularly. Of Alois and Klara's six children, only Adolf and his sister Paula reached adulthood. as an adult, years later, he told his secretary "i then resolved never again to cry when my father whipped me. a few days later I had the opportunity of putting my will to the test. my mother, frightened, took refuge in the front of the door. as for me, i counted silently the blows of the stick which lashed my rear end."

hitler, by the way, is the english version of huetler or huettler.

now this is how the jews and their supporters got away with their lie about huettler's heritage - for certain more 'strict' sects of jewism the official passing on of religion is maternal. not only was it against jewish law for alois to marry the object of his obsession but her children would never be recognised by his religion as being jewish, except that which was inherited throught their mother's bloodline. in order to quell historical objections until all could be swept under the carpet of time the propaganda machine has "acknowleged" that huettler **may** have been one quarter jew on his mother's side. but that would, in total, make him 3/4 jew in reality, doesn't it? since jews marry jews only to maintain their "purity" one may assume that they are in fact a race with specific racial traits common to all. and huettler inherited them to full measure. his face reflects his parentage. his adult passion against their race reflects his reaction to the violence of his upbringing and his ideology directly reflects the book his father shoved down his throat even as he beat him. hence the similarities between huettler's genocidal ideology and what has been happening in palestine ever since.

strangely, history seems to have forgotten his equal dislike and mistreatement of those of slavic descent, especially gypsies and polish peoples. nor is it frequently found anywhere anymore that he was also antichristian, seeing christianity "as a hoax engineered by the jews to throw off their roman yoke**".

nor was the idea of engineering the perfect human a novel concept to the world at large. even before huettler came into power, the eugenics movement was burgeoning in germany, britain and the united states. eugenics looked at persons in the same way they looked at any other form of life, that the human race, like roses and cattle could be bred for superiority.

** a quote from "bevor huettler kam" (Before Huettler Came), chapter 4, first published in 1933. and quickly suppressed. less than 5000 copies made it to circulation.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

jadorh of illagret's explanation of ascension

a shaving is a few cells per square inch thick. the body is scanned, and precise lasers are used to remove the required number of cells. this forms a "shadow" of the original form. any one shaved like this and capable of astral travel finds a part of their spirit inhabiting these cells taken living and that is how they are maintained.

however at the end of the life of the natural person, their spirit (or ghost) instead of continuing on their path or journey becomes drawn to this pale copy and trapped there. that is the assencion which is offered at a discount. a trapped spirit, never to rest and never to know rebirth unless the shaved form becomes too damaged in some way.

given a number of years of inhabiting such a form, the spirit forgets that it is not supposed to exist in such a state and considers that this false existance is it's 'natural' state. the ghost will even 'pick up' discarded or dead cells in d'att state in an effort to maintain the shell form it remembers. they are ghosts but never consider themselves so. to them, that is their 'living' state.

a more advanced form of false ascension is through the use of cloning technology. an identical clone is created and carefully programmed with the use of a brain scan to be personality-wise the same as the original. the theory is that the d'att fiend (or d'att ghost) will be attracted to the soul of the new body. the ghost inhabits the body of it's new host.

"after" sounds like ghosts chasing after d'att cells to me...

... you get the feeling that all these ascension sites are in reality preparing us to accept cloning and perhaps less than friendly aliens, rather than encouraging true spirituality? not to mention accepting loss of personal freedom and say in government.

Friday, February 8, 2008

periodic table of chemical elements

these are the links for the periodic table of chemical elements. the first shows some history of the science. the second allows clicking on symbols for explanation.


O - oxygen
Si - silver
C - carbon
H - hydrogen
Cu - copper
Au - gold
Cl - chlorine
Fl - flourine
Hg - mercury

now each element has a "weight" and a molecule's weight is determined by the total weight of each chemical which it is made from. for example O2 or oxygen as in what we need to breathe in has a mocular weight of 2x8 which equals 16.

oxygen - 8
carbon - 6
chlorine - 17
flourine - 9
hydrogen - 1
nitrogen - 7

think carefully of the following. and a first grader can do maths so we'll start with oxygen or O2 which we've done before:

oxygen = O2 = 8x2 = 16
carbon dioxide = CO2 = 6+(8x2) = 22
chloroflourocarbon = ClFC = 17+9+6 = 32

doing the maths and given the molecular weight of Choroflourocarbons which is actually ClFC and NOT CFC which suggests carbon-flouro-carbon makes it IMPOSSIBLE for it to "float" up into the upper atmosphere, HOW CAN IT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE BREAKDOWN OF THE OZONE LAYER?? i mean, let's face it, carbon dioxide, the stuff we breathe out and that goes into balloons when we blow them up with our mouths doesn't exactly keep them up in the air and ClFC is twice has heavy.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

from those who watch

know americans and allies of the new world order, who are responsible for the death of eight worlds** and the interference of the social evolution of 43 others (that we know of) that we do watch. and it is time you considered that vanessa, while the one you know as illa d'thjea tahn holds interest in her, is not a hostage but your insurance that you world exists. until that one is dominated, should vanessa suffer death - as we will know, do not doubt it - then you world will be summarily destroyed. we are aware, as you are, of the usefulness of tahn to his people the eholim, and until his will is subjugated, no physically obvious damage must occur to the human he favours for contact. nothing must occur to her which will cause undue struggle on his part. signed, illne'ah

**eight worlds, destroyed in the 'zero point' effacy tests. which in this case means how far the haarp could be 'turned on', the intensity that would cause the world to tear itself apart. the other 43? well, they had to see what partial steps would do. on earth they only caused a 'pinhole', which thinned in a spreading circle the upper atmosphere as it compensated (how can you literally keep a 'hole' in the air?)...

eight worlds... what made their species less important than our own?... i wonder how many of the other 43 will survive the next 200 years.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.