Monday, February 25, 2008

paypal servers not secure

my paypal account was interfered with. transaction records were changed. emails of actual transactions **no longer match the on-site history**. doesn't matter, you say? afterall they still got paid. i still got my items. but that isn't the point. it's another case of financial records freely altered my some unscrupulous organisation.i picked this up on three recent purchase records. paypal does email you the instant you make a payment or 'send money'. and my emails go to my gmail account. so i still have them.

two of the payments were for ebay purchases. the other transaction was to pay extra to make up for the postage method i chose. now, while i can't say 100% when the transaction history on-site was changed, i'm pretty damned sure it was only in the last month...

date/time stamps and transaction ids are highlighted for comparison.

well, with my paypal account also interfered with, that means that every financial account i've had has been accessed by some "unknown party" and altered in some way - my savings account, both visa and mastercard accounts, and now my paypal account. i did email them to inform them of this breach of security but no response thus far, aside from that it will be 'escalated'. so here it is now, like the rest, on my blog.

one might ask why. well, if this was happening regularly to any number of accounts worldwide, who never noticed their records being changed, and whose banks also held no record of electronic money disappearing and reappearing, i'd say it was so that certain governments could play the short term money market. putting a few extra zeros on their national account might be a bit obvious, but speculating is one way to launder illegal funds. money for nothing.

.... you think somebody doesn't like me? somebody that uses the rootkit server virus to steal funds? alter website content? interfere with people's lives? somebody? just to prove they can, despite me posting off the screenshots to both my bank and to asio because it won't change a thing? some body.... or some governments?

i think they just don't like me because i would not be convinced that i had past lives lived in servitude of some great cause. because i would not play their game. and because in a desperate effort to understand what was happening to me i searched the internet, and found i wasn't the only one. i am possibly the only one, however, with a bent for gathering information and trying, at least, to let others know.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.