Thursday, February 14, 2008

rewriting jewish history

the single biggest piece of propaganda used to cover up a litany of corruption, falsifying of history and genocide is this man - adolf hitler, a jew himself. the two separately written and published volumes of mein kampf are effectively unheard of now. and the jewish book that inspired them may no longer exist at all except in a few very guarded vaults.

but lets look at the man himself. the man who made germany a military power to be reckoned with - and the rest of the world did - who expoused with fevour the perfect aryan - TALL, FAIR SKINNED, BLONDE HAIRED AND BLUE EYED. a description not befitting the swarthy, black haired, black moustached fanatic who sported a very distinct nose...

hitler was born illegitimate in braunau am inn, austria. his father a jew named alois hitler (1837-1903) "kept" his non-jewish austrian wife, klara poltz (1860-1907), and beat his family regularly. Of Alois and Klara's six children, only Adolf and his sister Paula reached adulthood. as an adult, years later, he told his secretary "i then resolved never again to cry when my father whipped me. a few days later I had the opportunity of putting my will to the test. my mother, frightened, took refuge in the front of the door. as for me, i counted silently the blows of the stick which lashed my rear end."

hitler, by the way, is the english version of huetler or huettler.

now this is how the jews and their supporters got away with their lie about huettler's heritage - for certain more 'strict' sects of jewism the official passing on of religion is maternal. not only was it against jewish law for alois to marry the object of his obsession but her children would never be recognised by his religion as being jewish, except that which was inherited throught their mother's bloodline. in order to quell historical objections until all could be swept under the carpet of time the propaganda machine has "acknowleged" that huettler **may** have been one quarter jew on his mother's side. but that would, in total, make him 3/4 jew in reality, doesn't it? since jews marry jews only to maintain their "purity" one may assume that they are in fact a race with specific racial traits common to all. and huettler inherited them to full measure. his face reflects his parentage. his adult passion against their race reflects his reaction to the violence of his upbringing and his ideology directly reflects the book his father shoved down his throat even as he beat him. hence the similarities between huettler's genocidal ideology and what has been happening in palestine ever since.

strangely, history seems to have forgotten his equal dislike and mistreatement of those of slavic descent, especially gypsies and polish peoples. nor is it frequently found anywhere anymore that he was also antichristian, seeing christianity "as a hoax engineered by the jews to throw off their roman yoke**".

nor was the idea of engineering the perfect human a novel concept to the world at large. even before huettler came into power, the eugenics movement was burgeoning in germany, britain and the united states. eugenics looked at persons in the same way they looked at any other form of life, that the human race, like roses and cattle could be bred for superiority.

** a quote from "bevor huettler kam" (Before Huettler Came), chapter 4, first published in 1933. and quickly suppressed. less than 5000 copies made it to circulation.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.