Tuesday, February 19, 2008

amercan propoganda furthers their own (cloning) ambitions

from time magazine website, article published sunday 19 febuary -

"Last month the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the sale of cloned meat in the U.S., having determined that products from cloned cattle, pigs and goats are as safe to eat as meat from their naturally reproduced brethren. That makes advocates happy: Cloning enables the livestock industry to do in a fraction of the time what breeders have been doing throughout history, narrowing the gene pool to its most desirable genes. Beyond that, say cloners, future benefits include production of genetically engineered animals that could offer a variety of benefits — more nutrient-rich milk, for example, for people without adequate access to food..."

"There are about 4,000 cloned cattle on the planet, and 600 of them in the U.S. They are used primarily for breeding purposes, and as yet, their products aren't officially sold anywhere — though there is anecdotal evidence that cloned food products have made their way into the market in the past. Currently the U.S., E.U., Australia, China, Japan and New Zealand all use cloned cattle and pigs. ViaGEN, a cloning and animal genetics company based in Austin, Tex., produces some 150 cloned cattle annually, which it sells to meat suppliers, primarily for breeding. ViaGEN says it will launch a system to log and track each of its clones, with a unique tracking number — but not its DNA — that will be stored in an independently run database. The company will also make efforts to keep any food products made from its clones out of markets that don't want them. "We're not making it voluntary," says Mark Walton, president of ViaGEN. "We will register every animal we produce and put that animal in the database so that information is available...."

THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE LIE!! australia doesn't have a "market" for cloned animals! a country with more than 23 million head of cattle and more than 100 million sheep DOES NOT need to clone or shortcut nature when it comes to breeding.

from the abc (australian broadcast channel) website, wednesday 16 january 2008 -

"Milk and meat from cloned cattle, pigs and goats is now officially as safe to eat as their everyday counterparts, says the US food safety authority. The announcement this week by the US Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA) follows a similarly favourable interim ruling on such foods from the European food safety agency. Australia meanwhile is considering its own experts' advice.

Cloned animals are most commonly produced using somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), the same technique used to create Dolly, the sheep. In this process, the genetic material of an animal with desirable traits is inserted into an egg, which is then implanted into a surrogate mother...."

"Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) says Australia is still considering whether to regulate food from cloned animals and their offspring. But at this stage, the food agency says there are no such products in the food chain. FSANZ says there are less than 100 cloned cattle and a small number of cloned sheep in Australia and New Zealand. It says researchers have voluntarily agreed to prevent these from entering the food chain. FSANZ says it provided the Australian Government with an assessment of evidence on cloned animal products safety at the end of 2007.

At the time of writing, the Department of Health and Ageing, which is providing a whole-of-government response on the question of cloned animals, could not provide any further comment."

as it is a known american attitude that they as civillians do not look outside their own back yard, let alone their own state or nation. such propoganda is easily disceminated and swallowed hook line and sinker. any nation outside of the new world government (basically the EU, japan and the united states. by default canada, alaska and mexico eventually when it is annexed. israel would be an 'unofficial' member) should look on their internal machinery very nervously.

in the meantime is should also be obvious that any differences in nutritional value will **never** come to light.... from the agence france-press wed 13 april 2005 -

"Beef and milk from cloned cattle is similar to that produced by normal animals, an international team of scientists has found.

The Japanese-US study, published online ahead of print in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, is the first to investigate the nutritional value and possible health risks of products from animal clones. "Most parameters of the composition of the meat and milk from somatic animal clones were not significantly different from those of their genetically matched comparators or industry breed comparators," says Professor Xiangzhong Yang of the University of Connecticut, who led the research team."

..... were not significantly different. so there were measurable differences, but not "significant" enough to be specific about. after all here is a technology which will make potentially billions of dollars in the food and medical industries. heaven forbid that any data should come to light to put a dint in that.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.