Tuesday, March 4, 2008

d'att technology on earth

"humans, as a species, has the potential for greatness. but your kind can be as destructive as it is creative. unfortunately, when it is the minority which has power, you tend to destruction. one day, your people may discover how close they came to their end at the hands of the few.

earth is a precious place. treasure it. and remember the future is not always written by the conquerors of the past. but be warned, the danger is not ended." - tahn

(from 'interesting words')
d'att (= d'att has come to mean a number of things. however it can be best described on worlds which have some conception or imagination of the possibilities of space travel and technology as warp state. however, contrary to the science fiction stories known on earth where warp state is not yet public knowledge, it is possible to stay stationery in warp state indefinitely. being in spirit state or state of being as a spirit is how worlds more primitive would describe it when they witnessed the gold gleam or streak of personal craft when they accelerate or a 'door' (bulkhead) of unusual colour where there is nothing solid, or when they 'hear' the voices of the crew.

what is called shaving in 'jadohr of illagret's explanation of ascension' can only be done by those in warp state. this celular splitting is also called d'att. american military made this again a popular pasttime around the known universe amongst the cruely inclined. they, the americans, call it being 'dattified'.

those in warp state can of course cause immeasurable harm on a physical body, including experimental surgery and even telecasting it. 'tagging' or wiring of various kinds can be done to unsuspecting experimental subjects, and other monsterous experiments as well. they can also attack and harm, torture and murder the crews of other ships in warp state, and shades stolen for amusement. also it's the perfect way to pretend to be 'gods', 'spirits', or 'messengers of your god'. on world more socially advanced they claim to be ascended masters, divas, angels, godheads, god's spokepersons and such).

d'att transmats are electronic copies generates originally as a safety measure in case of transmat failure. these can be used to create clones. (end)

.... one might wonder who the "american elder masters" are. note the mention of sai baba. does he have alien/d'att links? apparently

... a 'universal avatar'. how generous of them. apparently his organisatition is also eager to create historical links for him personally to more traditional religions. as in islam, being they claim the one mohammed predicted would follow him.

more d'att claims to previous lives lived, to envelope and involve other faiths. this time the 'ascended masters' claim to have led lives as tibetan lamas.

not that i would believe it, if i were you. el moyra described one of his past lives as tibetan mahatma. "mahatma" is indian for a start, and NOT a religions title. int the indian language it means 'great soul', and was only given to one man by his admirers - mohondas karamchand gandi.

.... then again the guy also claims to have been king arthur. ahem, there was no king arthur. historically he was a chieftan at best. seraphis bey did the same thing (see 'the ascension lie'). he claimed to be both amenhotep iii and his son amenhotep iv at the same time.

is avatar another word for 'god'? because according to this man it is. oh, and by the way, he is one.... what i think is that at the tender age of eight sathyanarayana raju ratnakaram, born and raised in the remote vilage of puttaparthi (located in anantapur district, andhra pradesh) was, like a very young eduard 'billy' meier and young geraldine innocente, practised upon and manipulated by aliens in d'att or warp state.

apparently there's a few more 'gods' out there than we thought...

but if we limited ourselves to more corporeal terms, what could 'ascended masters' with their advanced technology be? aliens from more technologically advanced worlds. and avatars - gods - well apparently these technologically advanced aliens expect to be worshipped...... or obeyed

and to promote their agenda of world dominance though 'new world' thinking and metaphysical 'faiths' they seed the schools of such thinking with how wonderful they are, how superior they are, and the not so subtle suggestion that we (the ignorant masses ruled by the new government and those unfortunate to be living in countries not in that axis of rule) the technologically inferior couldn't do anything about it anyway. they're already here and preparations have been underway for decades. perhaps up to centuries.

.... ascended masters in the hollow earth. underground tunnels.

in 1989 newcastle, new south wales, australia, suffered earthquake 5.6 ricktor scale. seismologist wag on about them being caused by 'folds' where the mountains are (anyone know if they got any taller??). someone even wildly postulated it was caused by the coal mines. the fact is that newcastle is 80km away from the foot of the mountains.

another fact is that australia is smack bang in the middle of the most stable tektonic plate on the globe. so how does continent nowhere near the edge of tektonic plate, suffer an earthquake underground, on land??

...... i don't think it did. i think that if someone got that instrument they used to scan under the sphinx in egypt and did a little nosing around they would find a massive tunnel, part of which runs down the coast between newcastle (or tunnel remains for that part. remember there was an 'earthquake') and sydney,and down beyond camberra to antarctica. northwards, it would be coming from pine gap, in the northern territory, an american military missile base. i also believe there's one stretching across europe and into mongolia, there's a branch that goes down into the vatigan. there's one under the wheat belt region in the united states. they do interlink, these great underground tunnels, but i don't know where.

so they are here - now. but since when? how long have they hand an 'active interest' in earth? lets look at the first 'new age' movement to gain popularity in the usa. the 'bridge to freedom' movement. and it's little know predecessor which has taken off big-time since the death of the bridge to freedom founder.

(information from wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
"The Bridge to Freedom was established in 1951 by Geraldine Innocente and other Students of the Ascended Masters, after she received what was believed to be an Anointing by ascended master El Moyra to become a Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood. [1] This organization believed that their teachings had been given to humanity by the Ascended Masters. These were believed to be individuals who had lived in physical bodies, acquired the Wisdom and Mastery needed to become Immortal and Free of the cycles of "re-embodiment" and karma, and attained their "Ascension".

The members of The Bridge to Freedom claimed that a Dispensation and Sponsorship was given by the Ascended Masters for this Ascended Master Activity to be an outer organization representing the "Great Brotherhood of Light", and a continuation of the previous efforts by the Ascended Masters to bring Illumination to mankind through Theosophy, Agni Yoga, and the Saint Germain Foundation.

The members of The Bridge to Freedom believed that Ascended Master El Morya contacted Geraldine Innocente in 1944 and asked her to make a certain application on a daily basis. The story was told that Morya returned one year later asking if she would consent to receive a series of **Discourses from the Maha Chohan**. Geraldine was said to have agreed, and then underwent years of training in preparation for her role in the 1950s as a Messenger for the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Cosmic Beings, Elohim, and Others of the Spiritual Hierarchy. She served officially in the capacity of Messenger in from the inaugural Vesta Dictation on July 17, 1951 until her unfortuante death on June 21, 1961."

i've searched the internet, and it's very hard to find anything out about this woman to whom the acsensionist movement owes so much. not even her date of birth. but to read a little more about her, her mother and my own theories about what really happened in geraldine's childhood you can read the post titled "montauk project", wed 24 oct 2007

the saint germain foundation... never heard of them? any serious ascensionist has.
"The Saint Germain Foundation is a religious organization, with a major facility just north of Dunsmuir, California, in the buildings and property of the Shasta Springs retreat, and its headquarters in Schaumburg, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago.

The doctrines of the organization are based on teachings and wisdom received by Guy Ballard in 1930. Ballard was hiking on the slopes of Mt. Shasta in California, and claimed Saint Germain appeared to him and began training him to be a "Messenger". Ballard published his experiences in a series of books. The organization's philosophies are known as the '"I AM" Activity,' and its members popularly known as "I AM" Students."

their philosophy? - "It is believed that Ascended Masters are individuals who were once embodied on Earth and learned the lessons of life in their incarnations. They gained mastery over the limitations of the matter planes, ** balanced at least 51% of negative karma **, and fulfilled their Dharma (Divine Plan). An Ascended Master has become God-like and a source of unconditional Love to all life, and through the Ascension has united with his or her own God Self, the "I AM" Presence. It is claimed that they serve as the teachers of mankind from the realms of Spirit, and that all people will eventually attain their Ascension and move forward in spiritual evolution beyond this planet."

there it is again. the 51% discount on soul evolution. you can be spiritually unworthy 51% of the time and still achieve ascension so long as you follow the practices of the 'ascended masters'.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.