Friday, March 7, 2008

the philadelphia experiment or project rainbow

conspiracy theorists claim, and the us navy denies, that this was an experiment in anti-radar technology and/or invisibility. this is quoted from wikipedia online encylopedia. read it carefully, read it again then keep it in mind for what follows.

"Philadelphia Project was an alleged naval military experiment at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, sometime around October 28, 1943, in which the U.S. destroyer escort USS Eldridge was to be rendered invisible to human observers for a brief period of time. It is also referred to as Project Rainbow. The story is widely regarded as a hoax. The U.S. Navy maintains that no such experiment occurred, and furthermore, details of the story contradict facts about the Eldridge. It has nonetheless caused ripples in conspiracy theory circles, and elements of the Philadelphia Experiment are featured in other government conspiracy theories.

Synopsis of the experiment

Several different, at times conflicting, versions of the purported experiment have circulated over the years. The following synopsis serves to illustrate key story points common to the majority of accounts.

According to some accounts, the experiment was conducted by a Dr. Franklin Reno (or Rinehart) as a military application of a Unified Field Theory, a term coined by Einstein. The Unified Field Theory postulates the interrelated nature of the forces that comprise electromagnetic radiation and gravity, although to date no single theory has emerged with a viable mathematical expression. Through a special application of some version of the theory, it was thought possible, with specialized equipment and sufficient energy, to bend light around an object in such a way as to render it essentially invisible to observers. The Navy, which was engaged in World War II at the time, considered this application of the theory to be of obvious military value and approved and sponsored the experiment. A destroyer escort, the USS Eldridge, was allegedly fitted with the required equipment at the naval yards in Philadelphia.

The equipment was further alleged not to have properly been re-calibrated to this end, but in spite of this, the experiment was performed again on October 28. This time, Eldridge is alleged to have not only become almost entirely invisible to the naked eye, but actually vanished from the area in a flash of blue light. However, the U.S. naval base at Norfolk, Virginia, just over 215 miles (346 km) away, is alleged to have reported sighting the Eldridge offshore, whereupon the Eldridge vanished from their sight and reappeared in Philadelphia at the site it had originally occupied, in an apparent case of accidental teleportation.

The alleged physiological effects of the experiment on the crew were profound: almost all of the crew were violently ill. Some were alleged to have suffered from mental illness as a result of their experience; behavior consistent with schizophrenia is described in other accounts. Still other members, like Jacob D. Murray, were physically unaccounted for — supposedly “vanished” — and five of the crew were allegedly fused to the metal bulkhead or deck of the ship. Still others were said to fade in and out of sight. Sometimes they would disappear, then crewmates would stick their hands into the spot they had disappeared and try to grab the crewmate, but, if they did not, that spot would burst into flames. Horrified by these results, Navy officials immediately canceled the experiment. All of the surviving crew involved were discharged; in some accounts, brainwashing techniques were employed in an attempt to make the remaining crew members lose their memories concerning the details of their experience.

Scientific Aspects

Albert Einstein never fully developed his Unified Field Theory, and no consistent UFT or gravity-electromagnetism link has since come forth from the scientific community. Though Nikola Tesla claimed to have completed a Unified Field Theory shortly before his death in 1943, his theories on electromagnetism's power to distort space and time were never published. Conspiracy theorists propose that much of Tesla's research papers were seized by the FBI promptly following his death, and highlight the apparent coincidence between the year of his death and the supposed date of the Philadelphia Experiment.

More recent research, such as at Duke University demonstrates clearly that, even in 2006, the scientific community was far from attaining the level of technology required to render invisible an object the size of a naval destroyer. "

not only were the crew disbanded, all evidence disappeared, and silence drop like thunder, that the destroyer involved enjoyed the shortest active history in the united states navy. from commissioning to decomissioning it was in service for all of three years.

Ordered: 1942
Laid down: 22 February 1943
Launched: 25 July 1943
Commissioned: 27 August 1943
Decommissioned: 17 June 1946
Stricken: 26 March 1951
Fate: Sold to Greece 15 January 1951, renamed HS Leon (D-54), stricken in 1991"

there is no official record of the service of the eldridge between the day it was launched in jul 25 1943 and it's first active duty in jan 4 1944.

"She was launched on 25 July 1943, sponsored by Mrs. John Eldridge, Jr., widow of Lieutenant Commander Eldridge, and commissioned on 27 August 1943 with Lieutenant C. R. Hamilton, USNR, in command.

Between 4 January 1944 and 9 May 1945, Eldridge sailed on the vital task of escorting to the Mediterranean Sea men and materials to support Allied operations in North Africa and on into southern Europe. She made nine voyages to deliver convoys safely to Casablanca, Bizerte, and Oran."

so, for 5 1/2 months from 25 july 1943 what was this ship doing?? it was commissioned on 27 august 1943. the experiment took place on october 28 1943. and the entire ship, project and crew kept upder wraps until january 4 1944. what happened? and what went so badly wrong that it took 2 months to clean up?

i dont think it was an invisibility experiment. einsteins unified theory wasn't about bending light around an object - it was about bending space. i think the eldridge was a failed (if you count it in human cost, which paranoid governments do not) or successful (if you count it in terms that the ship actually did it) experiment in warp state motion.

eye witness accounts are thin on the ground. and successive american governments long ago made it a specialty of hiding the truth in fiction. some might say artists. the is even an official wording for it - plausible deniability.

searching across the internet, this is the bones of what seems to be agreed upon -

"Four hours later it returned to its original place. There was a ** greenish haze ** on deck. Some of the sailors were on fire. Some seemed insane. All were sick. Some had heart attacks. Some were dead. Some were part of the super structure of the ship, buried in the deck or walls of the ship. Some reports said that men just seemed to disappear and were never seen again."

where was it for 4 hours?.... and what was it that the destroyer passed through which caused molecular instablility? here's another thought for you - given how i described what a craft in warp or d'att state would appear if seen by the naked eye (difficult except in certain light conditions and with say perhaps 20/22 or better vision (one eye has to be sharper than the other), well that would explain the other name given to the project, wouldn't it? - project 'rainbow'.

just where/how did they develope the technology when einstein and tesla barely got their theories off the ground? salvaged alien space craft. obviously, though, these valuable artifacts were not to be used in any risky experiment. destroyers and men to crew them are much more expendable.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.