Friday, November 2, 2007

america and israel manipulate mastercard funds

to demonstrate how easy it is. and here are the screen shots to prove it! that they really don't want you to see.... pictures forthcoming - once they stop interfering with photobucket

8:39am nov 4 2007 and i am back online. just as well my ex and i were in the process of selling the house when they started freezing my accounts and stealing my funds - and the buyers finally came thruough with the cheque. i now have 2 bank cheques of $5000 each and i had another $5000 in cash. thats my half. most of it went to paying off the mortgage which we couldnt afford with me out of work. i'm eating through that now but at least i can eat for a while, go insane with all the 'voices' in my head in private and, most importantly, i could afford to replace my laptop after the cia broke in (yet again) and stole the power cord to my old dell, which i unfortunately left behind. you cant buy that anymore cause its such an old model. so now i'm typing this on my new basic acer laptop (and the difference in weight is amazing. i was carrying the old one around everyday, and my mp3 player which had all my blog notes, to prevent them from breaking me more. and as soon as i realised they had a bugging device in the sensor unit of my home monitoring system i started carrrying that around too.)

back to the pics. they are actual screenshots which i've converted to jpeg because the bitmaps would have been too big.

relevent parts highlighted. note the dates and time, and the highlighted amounts. remember that this is a credit account so negative amounts means the bank owes me and positive figures means i owe the bank. click on pictures to enlarge.

first screen shot. note the amount deposited. account limit was $17500, $81000 deposited. a scan of the actual bank deposit receipt

and a screenshot of when the cheque cleared showing the payment

second screen shot - note the available credit. its in the POSITIVES


and as a final screenshot, the amount deposited again

and as if that isn't enough....

let's do a bit of maths.... if the available credit is $33427.31 and the balance is #19532.31 (with no card authorisations to come out) that would make the credit limit of $13895?... no, its supposed to be $17500! and that wouldnt matter how many payments are put in either! the maximum credit limit on the card should not change.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.