Friday, November 16, 2007

the reason why the american plan could not work

even as the americans have been experimenting on me since before my birth, so has illo-dorne (of the haig-raith) since he first discovered record of me at the age of 14. as a scientist the first thing he does is research government records to learn what experiments have been done on their own species. because in his experience such things always occur. since the age of 14 illo-dorne has had many clones following me around in dat observing me himself and my reaction to the many effacy tests i have been subject to. this is how the americans discovered the presense of the haig raith and they began negociations not for take over, not for and alliance but an exchange of knowledge and technology. there was never going to be an "invasion" as such, but a planned nuclear winter to "clean up" the atmosphere in the northern hemisphere by drawing and trapping the polution in the expected climatic trauma and ice.

this was the suggestion of the haig-raith. they said they did this to their own world. however what they didn't mention was the utter failure of the attempt. and if it hadn't been for other technology their world would be nothing more than a rock floating in space. essentially it still is as it cannot support life naturally. so after the americans have triggered their nuclear accident (claiming it was alien interference and beyond their control) the haig-raith would come forward not as conquerors but as saviours with the terraforming technology and artificial strato-filming, and welcomed with open arms by the survivors who would rebuild their world before being exterminated or used as slaves.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.