Friday, November 16, 2007

the heart of the universe

a message to michael, high king and archangel - i know what you are. arrogant, monsterous, something to be hated and shunned by any who still see joy in life, feel the warmth of the sun as more than just heat. the heart of the universe (your stronghold) is cold. no love, no hate - nothing. no renewal, no singing; static and unchanging. a total lack of emotion; colder than any stone. cold as a comet's tail. a true hell. hell is being at the "mercy" of such as these - cold, colder than space. as cold as a soul that knows it will never be reborn in this universal age.

some on earth might think, because of your bibles and your religion, that hell is hot - fire and brimstone. well you'd best hope that never happens. because it isn't a place. it's an event, primitiively described by someone who lived about 1900 years before atom bombs and nuclear warheads were ever invented.

it seems christ had a bit of the sight. but unlike what's in the bible, i don't think there's some benign force out there to rescue us (or at least the survivors) from our own folly. i think that part was made up.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.