Sunday, November 11, 2007

to the people of earth who seek to program me

you with the help of andr-riel and abaya:boud and their followers; that have been seeking to reprogam and destroy the illa:t'hjhaea and myself. with me you have failed. you may destroy my body, but i will have life unmared by your cruelty after this. as for michael, i have little faith in him or his eholim.

as for sahbala - you and michael deserve each other. and your fates

this "game" has been going on since february 2007, when a blessed spirit in exchange for the americans not raping me with six transphased men as part of their "paraphychology program" made a deal to release himself and save me. this wont be believed until transphase technology becomes commonplace and transmat/teleport (and the fact that the space transport ship that crashlanded at roswell in 1944 was real... where do you think they got the technology) but they didnt expect it to truly release himself. they thought he would just go mad and become controllable. it hasnt worked that way. so the universe has lost that one, but after the billions upon billions of innocent lives murdered and destroyed by the usa elite military itself across the galaxy its not surprising that if the world does go to hell in a handbasket - there will be no extraterestrial help.

i guess you will have to develop your faster-than-light power source the hard way.

as for tahn, as he is linked to the cycle of life itself, he is not so easily destroyed. the unfortunate thing is, and i havent explained this before, that which is divine cannot be reborn. they are the pinnicle of spiritual or soul development. so when they die there is no being reborn. they just die. above them is just the force of life - that which is their blood and essence - itself. they release themselves to the universe, literally.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.