Tuesday, August 21, 2007

guardian spirits

- my friends, the illa:t'hjaea, are like eholim but not and as such are persecuted by them
- they, the illa:t'hjaea are distressed by the use of d'att technology and the harm it does to mortal souls.

because i was used as a subject of research, an old soul they are familiar with, the high council (the elite scientific body) took their ‘studies’ further when they realised that michael was close. i became the thing they used to experiment on and torture the spirits. and they have suffered, and some of the kinds and all of the glams created from my soul’s energy did die. they sickened because of what was done to me, and because of the many transphased victims that were tortured, slaughtered and murdered around me and my home, all orchestrated by the high council, using other species and groups who spent most or all of their lives transphased. my ‘discovery’ presented a “unique opportunity to further expand our study of the spirit kind”

my friends, and all those capable, now do battle, firstly against shades, and as each battle forced them to become stronger, more effectively against stronger shades and now they attack those that send their shades and those that command them. transphased technology, like the buttons, wiring and the frame (or array) in my head and body – technology undeveloped on my “primitive” world – they tell me cannot be installed unless by a transphased person or strong enough shade. and this they won’t let happen again. they don’t let them near me. i’m not the first person that has been experimented on like this, but i will be the last (at least for my lifetime and the life of illodor'ne).

i am being tried in absentia, (why bother pretending a trial?), blamed for what the divine are doing. they are generally being viewed as terrorists by those that prefer to use this technology for less than 'humane' purposes. before this they were never directly involved in corporeal affairs to this extent. as a people they preferred not to judge, though it did horrify when it was one that was favoured (looked upon with friendly eyes) that was experimented on. they fight neither for nor against any corporeal organisation - neither the high council and its supporters, nor the supreme court. it is the technology which they battle. the use of it.

on a personal note, i did try hypnotherapy on the weekend. but i can’t be simply ‘talked’ into a meditative state. not that i had much chance. one of the array’s functions is as a transceiver for artificial telepathy. it is still active. my telepathy (which should only been receptive to but a few) is failing. i am becoming what the divine call ‘deaf’. it’s been weeks since i could make out the ‘voice’ of the one speaking. but they still have to counter the subliminal messaging.

the good news is that i was right about strong magnets and electromagnetism (i bought a degaussing wand) affecting the function of transphased technology. maybe they’ll stop working altogether eventually.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.