Friday, August 31, 2007


the high council sought to control the spirits and use them to achieve their goal of absolute autonomy. this 'elite' scientific body and political force doesn't really answer to any external authority. but their studies of the divine raised the possibility of extending their influence, possibly to the point of true political power. their plan at it's simplest was to use the spirits as a hidden controlling influence within the general populace.

this was their motivation behind what they did to me once the standard observation procedure was done. they sought to numb (cause prolonged shock) to the spirits they knew were there. it was torture to them. and the intention was to break, control and use them.

they also thought - and this is too hard to believe, but it appears many who are corrupted by this technology do - that by using me they could some how force the spirits to make them into 'd'att' state. they believed that if they could walk through what is spirit they could become one. but to force their bodies through what is spirit unwilling again and again is what they view as rape.

the haig-raith wanted to lord over what is divine. they wanted to become the 'divine council'. most that lived perpetually in 'dal' already considered themselves 'd'att'.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.