Thursday, August 9, 2007

transphase technology

... the ring is what i like to call my metallic crown of thorns. not all the wiring is shown in the diagram, but it was put in separately to the crown part. and i just cant remember when exactly. the crown part was back in march i think. and i can't remember now where the rest of it is exactly. i was aware when they put it in. even heard the 'discussion'. but i wasn't awake, and i couldn't move. and the clocks' (i had two - a wall clock and one beside my bed) ticking sound slowed down. way down. after it was complete, 3 times there was an electric shock or signal run through it to activate it, starting from the back of my head at the base and going through the wires to the top of my head.

"as part of our parapsychology program we are about to induce rape in the hopes of observing a reaction from one of the creatures commonly known as 'spirits'" - montauk project. as a natural telepath i have have been subject to their "attentions" most of my life.

The Montauk Project was purportedly a series of secret United States government projects conducted at Camp Hero or Montauk Air Force Station on Montauk, Long Island, New York state for the purpose of developing a powerful psychological war weapon. It is considered by most to be a hoax. No evidence confirming the experiment actually occurring has ever surfaced nor has evidence of any underground facility been found. - wikipedia online enclopedia

also they were constantly inserting and removing transphased chunks of brain tissue (brain imbuing), daily. sometimes several times nightly, along with the plate at the top of my head. it was like they couldn't decide what to stick in at times. they were using the frame to hold them in place somehow. i can't remember all that was done to me. i just know - vaguely remember - the things that were. i do know that a fully transphased alien, not much taller than myself and perhaps thinner in build was put in me because he was telepathic and it was their way of initially remotely monitoring through others of the same kind they held captive (the americans held captive that is. weston would know about that) my thoughts. that happened before the brain imbuing. in body shape i think he was something like the the heira te'neachi. but the face felt different.

hello, weston. who is riechter? and just where is sanctuary?

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.