Saturday, September 15, 2007

artificial telepathy is real

it is already developed here on earth, though not to the extend of what is 'alien' of course - nothing like the array they stuck in my head (and metalic crown of thorns is an apt description).

Woody Norris demonstrated his invention to the public for New York Times reporter Marshall Sella in San Diego and the article published in the March 23 Issue of 2003. he used prerecorded sounds such as waterfall and a snippet of Handel concerto for his live demonstration. but what's to stop a microphone being attached instead, allowing the live transission of voice that only the beamed recipient will hear in their heads? the hearing of a 'voice' directly within somebody's head. to the reciever this is artificial telepathy.

i know full well that the array transmits and receives signals. and as it is transphased, anyone could have one put in their head and not know it. there are implications here - world leaders, other influencial figures. that is why i emailed

dec 21 2007
unfortunately it's likely that the "world leaders" already know, and know very well its military applications...

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.