Sunday, September 30, 2007

living in a fish bowl

sept 29 2007 6.05pm

with this array (the crown of thorns) in my head i have no privacy, no private thoughts. and all speech and sound goes through the circuitry wired into my ears. it is a transmitting device, a universally used multi-way, infinite frequency and installed illegally with legal authorisation. not mine of course, i didn't get a say. i'm a 'primitive'. my wellbeing is nobody's interest and my life a constant source of amusement. they were even going to put a secondary array in my chest before things got too far out of their control. but that was for another reason.

i 'live' in a fish bowl. anyone can listen in. anyone can comment, mock or taunt. or lie. and they do a lot of that. everyone is gauping at me. everyone is pointing and poking faces at the little fish stuck in its tiny bowl that can't see out and can't escape.

there was never any intention to retrieve me. nobody was going to pick me up. i'm stuck in my bowl. i already knew that. but you hope. you hope it will end even when you know it's stupid to. you pretend its not happening. you ignore it. but you know you're fooling yourself. the fish is stuck in its bowl, exposed to a cruel, lying, prying universe.

there was never any intention to retrieve me. nobody is going to pick me up. self interest rules.

oh, and theres three or four pairs of buttons (smaller, for vibration only. i never remembered all the buttons in my body accurately. besides how do i put that in a diagram?) lining my labia. they - somebody - likes to play with them. they get activated a lot when i'm on the toilet.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.