Monday, September 17, 2007

the whys behind the whats (3)

i came across a website which claimed that the thirteen most wealthiest families effectively ruled the world (broadly called the illuminati. conspiracy theorists love them), and that they had reptillian dna; oh and that capitalism was 'evil'. there was even a claim that the archangel michael leads the galactic federation in a war against the reptoid alliance. this website went up in 2004.

ultimately i have to warn that what better way to pretend friendship and promote trust than to blend their propoganda with what is known to strike a sympathetic cord with so many people. how many believe in angels, and how wonderful does it sound that possibly the most famous archangel (on earth) is leading the forces of 'good'? how many want to believe that everyone could live in peace and harmony, and without want? how many already blame capitalism for just about everything 'wrong' in the world? (isn't there already a general perception of the cold-blooded capitalist? lends itself rather nicely to the subject of reptillian dna) that earth could be turned into some kind of utopia? beware of someone who promises the universe, so long as you live and are ruled as they see fit - no longer having a say in how your life is lived, what you may count as your own possessions or in how you are governed.

this same website and the people behind it claim that atlantis was a place of attrocities, of evil warlords. it wasn't. it was a place of knowledge. not as in schools, but knowledge of the universe. to feel and understand the force of life. and that universal knowledge was free to any who chose the path of learning. it was a place of unparalelled peacefulness. how could you not feel life itself and not feel content? it was a place to learn to interact with the divine. to walk with them by what is now called astral travel. 'little deaths' is what the spirits called it.

knowledge is power, they say, though this power was not something to be bartered to advantage. it was given. it was learned. however, there came a day when evil came to that place, and the many others like it, univited in the form of a surprise invasion by a race that thought that power could be taken and controlled. perhaps they even thought that the 'energy' of the universe, and the energy of that which is divine, could be tapped into as a power source. i don't know.

so ended the peace that was atlantis.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.