Friday, September 21, 2007

power and ambition

sept 21 5:15pm
"you will be destroyed. you do know that."
"what we are will not be harmed."
"you are energy, and energy can be tramsmuted."
"we are more than energy. we are spirit."

the same website and organiztion mentioned in "the why's behind the whats" (that earth should have a single global puppet government with the strings being pulled from off-world) also espoused that within 10yrs (or by 2014) space ships would be built that will be powered by "a strong field of super energy".....

.....and goes on to say "Of course super energy is also the key to understanding Archangelic energy. Each Archangel has a trillion units of power (or angels) in super energy."

apparently the blessed spirits loved by so many on our world are viewed as nothing more than a power source by the haig-raith, and their earth-bound allies. they claim that they are the 'new age movement', yet i wonder how many that claim to have an interest in the metaphysical and 'lightwork' would like to see the archangel michael turned into a car battery.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.