Thursday, November 6, 2008

general reminder!!

different posts are updated as i find relevant information for that subject. also all screenshots/pictures are best viewed with browser window set at FULL SCREEN SIZE or you will miss important detail.

anyone who has had similar "unbelievable" as they cant really believe it's happening experiences OR have suspicions of the rootkit virus on their isp provider servers (as evidenced by emails not being received) OR have had money disappear and if they are lucky reappear from their bank accounts OR have noticed when doing searches that results are thin on the ground for popular search terms should email me at

recently updated posts
snippets of conversation
still around (new)
new website (new)
message to illador'rne
the story of tahn
d'att fiends (new)
the tibetan "connection" (new)
message to illador'rne
end game
end game (new)
"master" rakoczi aka comte de saint germain (new)
intersting words
new web site (new)
how the new world order deals with recalcitrants (new)
lead does damage (new)
ascended master log (igrath no longer possesses the word)
interesting words
ascended master log (illadorian has lost the word)
flight 93 - taking no chances
passport (new)
false gods and fools (new)
ascended master log
inspirational quotes
human interference (new)
flight 93 - taking no chances (new)
ascended master log
snippets of conversation
the intentions of many
the ascension lie
d'att technology on earth
ascended master log (new)
kyoto accord - the big fat lie
kyoto accord - the big fat lie
the philadelphia experiment or project rainbow (new)
irreverent expressions
inspirational quotes
irreverent experssions
the story of tahn
d'att technology on earth
sathya sai baba - the man who would be god (new)

subjects of interest for future posts
rootkit virus
the palestine issue and illegal israeli occupation
irish religious unrest
deforestation and the ancient world
the so-called mayan 2012 "myth"
vaccines and what they contain
the rhesus virus
using popular media to hide the truth
tectonic plate movement
nutrition and desease prevention and cure
liquid zeolite
who the real "quacks" are...
ozone and why we are running out of atmosphere
medical "fads" which destroy lives
gabas and steorite (from the amazing medical miricles television series)
the real new world order
the origin of metaphysics
carbon sinks - the easy way to destroy world environment
911 and the questions that weren't asked
world debt and who really owes whom
human interference by those in d'att state

Saturday, November 1, 2008


i know the command trigger you bastards. i heard it when it invaded my dreams. something about throwing the ball and catching the ball. "you can't catch the ball unless you throw it" or "you can't catch the ball before you throw it" or "to catch the ball you should throw the ball". i should have written it down straight away!

well guess what, you bastards - it doesn't work! never has, NEVER WILL. so FUCK YOU!!!

and i know you're still alive.
just remember you prick, everybody's life has a time limit

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

still around

yes i'm still here. still watched constantly. still being hurt. still with my life pretty much screwed. i've basically fled my old abode. unable to find work, unable to keep it when i did for whats been going on, basically i lost everything. with family now and trying to pretend i lead a normal existance. can, but not when i'm alone, because pretense is all it is.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

d'att fiends

more have been remade. they are, as before, lead by the derrah diig ne'h of the protocols. whatever defences you had, it is time to use them. and from tahn, "i am still going to be whole and one. by the end of june. i am not defenseless. and i will not be stopped. but it was never that i refused to help. it is simply that i can no longer. whatever you choose in your life, be true to yourselves for there is never simply one ripple when it comes to the consequences.

... and sahbala does live"

Thursday, April 17, 2008

the tibetan "connection"

the count of saint germain, one of the names assumed by "master" rakoczi, grew up in transilvania. "trans-himalayan". and where are the himalayas best associated? - tibet. note the names.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

end game

"it has begun, and michael and sahballa have already lost. in two dawns time, and i know you don't understand this, i will be free of them." - tahn

Sunday, April 6, 2008

"master" rakoczi aka comte de saint germain

how many people go around believing that the messages from "assended master" saint germain (some sites use saint germaine) are from a catholic saint. they are not. and that particular "ascended master" **never even said he was**. that one uses the alias count st germain, and even goes so far as to describe the man he as based his character on. since people are happily entering such information in the wikipedia free online encyclopedia as well, it is even 'confirmed' there.

Leadbeater, another ascensionist, even went so far as to describe his "meeting" with "saint" germain. and it certainly doesn't match that of a european gentleman.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

new web site

to make this more organised i've started a website on google pages -

Sunday, March 30, 2008

eldreg'k explanation of why clones do not value life

cloning has meant billions of people are not born. and they know this. and it affects their every behaviour. because they are cheaply made, because they are not born, they do not value life. each successive clone of the same person, accelerated to the appropriate age development, knows cumulatively by programming what the previous one did. therefore every attitude is reinforced. their personality changes but only for the worse. negative traits carry with more strength than any change induced by positive experience. they do not value life because they **know** they were not born of parents, that they will outlive any primitive that was, and that their life pattern will not improve. the negative trait carry-over, considered inevitable with biointeraction, is countered by the very elite of the calresians by ensuring that every forth clone is allowed to regrow from a very young state so that they may be retrained in their thinking processes.

Friday, March 28, 2008

how the new world order deals with recalcitrants

project dillema

to deal with those 'unfriendly' towards the approach by "ascended masters". to induce paranoia by:
- bank account interference
- internet/email monitoring
- mail interception
- bills paid altered at biller's computer records
- government record interference
- subliminal and verbal suggestions (in d'att state) to induce mental instability and/or social withdrawal.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

picked up my passport today

lead does damage

even a lead containing pewter pendant is going to do some. i suggest wearing one choker style.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


i've put in my application. i've been told i should get it on tuesday.

Monday, March 17, 2008

false gods and fools

meher baba was born merwan sheriar irani on febuary 24 1894. he was told he was a god by his mentor when he was 27.

accroding to merwan, an avatar is only born to the universe every 700-1400 years. now he lived from 1894 to 1969. sathya was born in november of 1926. so who do we believe, if we are so inclined to believe that a mortal can declare himself 'god'? they both claim to be avatars, and meher baba was still alive when sathya was born. so who gets the title? and what happened to the 700yr gap?

both claim links to this man - the sai baba of shirdi (1838**-1918). sathya even claims to be the man reincarnate. he never declared his divinity, and i'm pretty sure buddha, christ and muhummad didn't declare themselves gods either.

you can have a look at the post titled 'sathya sai baba - the man who would be god' for more comparisons, and just who proclaimed sathya to be 'god'.

.... and who are the fools? those that believe a man who claims he is god because somebody told him so.

** the sai baba of shirdi was ever reticent about his personal life. his date of birth can only be guess at by those that accounted his life amongst them.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

i got my birth certificate

flight 93 - taking no chances

mystery should surround the flight path and fate of united airlines flight 93. instead it's been quietly explained away and very much forgotten in light of what happened to the two succssfully hijacked flights.

the 8:01am flight 93 did not leave the ground until 8:42am. ABC News later reports that because NORAD is "conducting training exercises [it] therefore [has] extra fighter planes on alert." [ABC News, 9/14/02] Colonel Robert Marr, in charge of NEADS, said, "We had the fighters with a little more gas on board. A few more weapons on board." [ABC News, 9/11/02]. At that time, Lt. Col. Dawne Deskins and other NORAD employees at NEADS (NORAD's Northeast Air Defense Sector that covers the Washington and New York areas) passed their 2nd hour of the second, third, or fourth day of the exercise (conflicting reports) of a week-long semiannual exercise called Vigilant Guardian. Also on that morning, John Fulton, Chief of the Strategic War Gaming Division of the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and his team at the CIA, were running a pre-planned simulation exercise "in which a small corporate jet crashed into one of the four towers at the agency's headquarters". the cia headquarters were in building 7 of the world trade center.

flight 11 also left 14 minutes late, leaving at 7:59am. it's scheduled departure time as 7:45am, but this isn't noted in too many places, is it?... flight 43 actually left on time, at its scheduled departure time of 8:10am....

this is the military fighter which matches the description - the tacit blue. this little baby was publically displayed for the first time in 1996, over a decade after it was built. **officially** there is only one, officially it was never armed. no doubt unofficially, if this wasn't the one, then there is a next generation design already built and kept very discreetly armed and ready, and just as radar invisible as the tacit blue.

Span: 48 ft. 2 in.
Height: 10 ft. 7 in.
Length: 55 ft. 10 in.
Weight: 30,000 lbs.
Engines: Two Garrett ATF3-6 high-bypass turbofan engines
Armament: None
Crew: One
Cost: Approx. $165 million

Design Operational Speed: 287 mph/250 knots
Operating Altitude: 25-30,000 ft.

officially there was never a fighter there. now how many can say "2 + 2 = plane shot down"

another other part of the mystery is the flight path.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

human interference

Wilhelm Reich (March 24, 1897 – November 3, 1957) was an Austrian-American psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, and creator of the orgone accumulator (cloud buster) and orgone generator.

(from wikipedia online encyclopedia)
"Reich was a respected analyst for much of his life, focusing on character structure, rather than on individual neurotic symptoms.[1] He promoted adolescent sexuality, the availability of contraceptives and abortion, and the importance for women of economic independence. Synthesizing material from psychoanalysis, cultural anthropology, economics, sociology, and ethics, his work influenced writers such as Alexander Lowen, Fritz Perls, Paul Goodman, Saul Bellow, Norman Mailer, A. S. Neill, and William Burroughs.[2]

He was also a controversial figure, who came to be viewed by the psychoanalytic establishment as having gone astray or as having succumbed to mental illness. His work on the link between human sexuality and neuroses emphasized "orgastic potency" as the foremost criterion for psycho-physical health. He said he had discovered a form of energy, which he called "orgone," that permeated the atmosphere and all living matter, and he built "orgone accumulators," which his patients sat inside to harness the energy for its reputed health benefits. It was this work, in particular, that cemented the rift between Reich and the psychoanalytic establishment.[3]

Reich, of Jewish descent and a communist, was living in Germany when Adolf Hitler came to power. He fled to Scandinavia in 1933 and subsequently to the United States in 1939. In 1947, following a series of critical articles about orgone and his political views in The New Republic and Harper's,[4] the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) began an investigation into his claims, winning an injunction against the interstate sale of orgone accumulators. Charged with contempt of court for violating the injunction, Reich conducted his own defense, which involved sending the judge all his books to read, and arguing that a court was no place to decide matters of science. He was sentenced to two years in prison, and in August 1956, several tons of his publications were burned by the FDA.[5] He died of heart failure in jail just over a year later, days before he was due to apply for parole.

From 1934-37, based for most of the period in Oslo, Reich conducted experiments seeking the origins of life.

He examined protozoa, single-celled creatures with nuclei. He grew cultured vesicles using grass, sand, iron, and animal tissue, boiling them, and adding potassium and gelatin. Having heated the materials to incandescence with a heat-torch, he noted bright, glowing, blue vesicles, which, he said, could be cultured, and which gave off an observable radiant energy. This he called “orgone”. He named the vesicles “bions” and believed they were a rudimentary form of life, or halfway between life and non-life.

When he poured the cooled mixture onto growth media, bacteria were born. Based on various control experiments, Reich dismissed the idea that the bacteria were already present in the air, or in the other materials used. Reich's The Bion Experiments on the Origin of Life was published in Oslo in 1938, leading to attacks in the press that he was a “Jew pornographer” who was daring to meddle with the origins of life."

basically for the unscientific, he induced the creation of single cell life. but it was his invention of the cloudbuster which got him in trouble in more ways than he could anticipate.

"On June 5, 1956, FDA officials traveled to Orgonon, Reich's 200-acre (80-hectare) estate near Rangeley, Maine, where they destroyed the accumulators, and on June 26, burned many of his books. On August 25, 1956 and again on March 17, 1960,[57] the remaining six tons of his books, journals and papers were burned in the 25th Street public incinerator in New York's lower east side (Gansevoort incinerator). In March 1957, he was sent to Danbury Federal Prison, where a psychiatrist examined him, recording: “Paranoia manifested by delusions of grandiosity and persecution and ideas of reference.”

Reich died in his sleep of heart failure on November 3, 1957 in the federal penitentiary in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, shortly before he was due to apply for parole. Not one psychiatric or established scientific journal carried an obituary."

"ideas of reference" is an exaggerated form of self consciousness. People suffering from ideas of reference experience intrusive thoughts of this nature, but crucially, they realize that these ideas are not real. Intrusive thoughts are unwelcome, involuntary thoughts, images or unpleasant ideas that may become obsessions, are upsetting or distressing, and can be difficult to be free of and manage.

so, the man invents orgone accumulators, draws the attention of secret government services, is arrested and jailed, all his accululators are smashed and research and books burned like an episode out of the dark ages, gets diagnosed with psycholigical issues while in jail, and conveniently dies just before he is to be parolled.

what i think is that somehow these accululators interefered with warp state travel, and so the american government did what it does best. made people and things 'go away'. i also think is that the man was constantly attacked by people in d'att state because of his invention.

alice bailey (june 16, 1800 - dec 15, 1949)

benjamin creme (born 1922)

Sunday, March 9, 2008

ascended master log

TIAC'H DA DOIDEH (followers of michael, "sons of blue light"). illador'rne is one of these. this is what i've found out. he claims they are like budhists. this is how they claim to be 'like budhists' - if their council makes and acts on a decision which is later found to be wrong or false, it is the victim that is 'punished' (further) for it to preserve their level of soul evolution.
MAHA CHOHEN (followers of sahbala, "i sacrifice")
SIHJERAH'DJAE (followers of illadorian, "brothers of light")
same philosophies/religious protocols, different patrons. each of the so-called seven mighty have their own religious following. in truth they are all as bad as each other.

all the 'ascended masters' are clones, from technologically advanced worlds. new 'ascended masters' have to be passed by the 'karmic board', before cloning. this same board sits in judgement to determine if each ascended master still proves sufficiently useful to continue their 'term' (as in cloned again)

DJWHAL KHUL – member of the maha chohen – suspected star of origin unknown
rank -
claimed past lives on earth -
ashram/retreat -
preferred human contacts - alice bailey (1919)

EL MOYRA - member of both the tiac'h da doideh and sihjerah'djae - suspected star of origin unknown
rank - (tiac'h da doideh)first ray
claimed past lives on earth -
ashram/retreat -
preferred human contacts -

KUTHUMI (identified himself in the late 1800's/early 1900's as KOOT HUMI, also known as KOOTOOMI) – holds positions in both sihjerah'djae and maha chohen – suspected star of origin unknown.
rank (maha cohen) – second ray
claimed past lives on earth -
ashram/retreat -
preferred human contacts - alice bailey (1895)

LORD MAITREYA - title, head of tiac'h da doideh
preferred human contact - benjamin creme (1959)

LORD MELCHIZEDEK – title, head of the sihjerah'djae

MAHA CHOHEN – title, director [of the 7 chohens] of the 7 rays, title on less advanced worlds “the lord of civilisation”

SANAT KUMARA – member of the maha chohen - earth administrator – suspected star/galaxy of origin arcturus.
rank -
claimed past lives on earth -
ashram/retreat -
preferred human contacts -

rank -
claimed past lives on earth -
ashram/retreat -
preferred human contacts -

(THE) 'SEVEN MIGHTY EHOLIM' – michael, sahbala (no longer possesses the word "in my image", removed by tahn, and subsequently cannot possess any but his own natural abilities), illadore (no longer possesses the word "in my image", removed by tahn, and subsequently cannot possess any but his own natural abilities), illadorian (no longer possesses the word "in my image", removed by tahn), igrath (NEVER possessed tahn's word and no longer possesses the word "in my image"), silador and adgridan. abeya boud (dead, killed by tahn) was spokesman of sahbala as his disdain for mortals was so great he rarely spoke to his 'devoted followers' directly.
(the mark etched on the hand is the symbol of michael's followers.)

Friday, March 7, 2008

the philadelphia experiment or project rainbow

conspiracy theorists claim, and the us navy denies, that this was an experiment in anti-radar technology and/or invisibility. this is quoted from wikipedia online encylopedia. read it carefully, read it again then keep it in mind for what follows.

"Philadelphia Project was an alleged naval military experiment at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, sometime around October 28, 1943, in which the U.S. destroyer escort USS Eldridge was to be rendered invisible to human observers for a brief period of time. It is also referred to as Project Rainbow. The story is widely regarded as a hoax. The U.S. Navy maintains that no such experiment occurred, and furthermore, details of the story contradict facts about the Eldridge. It has nonetheless caused ripples in conspiracy theory circles, and elements of the Philadelphia Experiment are featured in other government conspiracy theories.

Synopsis of the experiment

Several different, at times conflicting, versions of the purported experiment have circulated over the years. The following synopsis serves to illustrate key story points common to the majority of accounts.

According to some accounts, the experiment was conducted by a Dr. Franklin Reno (or Rinehart) as a military application of a Unified Field Theory, a term coined by Einstein. The Unified Field Theory postulates the interrelated nature of the forces that comprise electromagnetic radiation and gravity, although to date no single theory has emerged with a viable mathematical expression. Through a special application of some version of the theory, it was thought possible, with specialized equipment and sufficient energy, to bend light around an object in such a way as to render it essentially invisible to observers. The Navy, which was engaged in World War II at the time, considered this application of the theory to be of obvious military value and approved and sponsored the experiment. A destroyer escort, the USS Eldridge, was allegedly fitted with the required equipment at the naval yards in Philadelphia.

The equipment was further alleged not to have properly been re-calibrated to this end, but in spite of this, the experiment was performed again on October 28. This time, Eldridge is alleged to have not only become almost entirely invisible to the naked eye, but actually vanished from the area in a flash of blue light. However, the U.S. naval base at Norfolk, Virginia, just over 215 miles (346 km) away, is alleged to have reported sighting the Eldridge offshore, whereupon the Eldridge vanished from their sight and reappeared in Philadelphia at the site it had originally occupied, in an apparent case of accidental teleportation.

The alleged physiological effects of the experiment on the crew were profound: almost all of the crew were violently ill. Some were alleged to have suffered from mental illness as a result of their experience; behavior consistent with schizophrenia is described in other accounts. Still other members, like Jacob D. Murray, were physically unaccounted for — supposedly “vanished” — and five of the crew were allegedly fused to the metal bulkhead or deck of the ship. Still others were said to fade in and out of sight. Sometimes they would disappear, then crewmates would stick their hands into the spot they had disappeared and try to grab the crewmate, but, if they did not, that spot would burst into flames. Horrified by these results, Navy officials immediately canceled the experiment. All of the surviving crew involved were discharged; in some accounts, brainwashing techniques were employed in an attempt to make the remaining crew members lose their memories concerning the details of their experience.

Scientific Aspects

Albert Einstein never fully developed his Unified Field Theory, and no consistent UFT or gravity-electromagnetism link has since come forth from the scientific community. Though Nikola Tesla claimed to have completed a Unified Field Theory shortly before his death in 1943, his theories on electromagnetism's power to distort space and time were never published. Conspiracy theorists propose that much of Tesla's research papers were seized by the FBI promptly following his death, and highlight the apparent coincidence between the year of his death and the supposed date of the Philadelphia Experiment.

More recent research, such as at Duke University demonstrates clearly that, even in 2006, the scientific community was far from attaining the level of technology required to render invisible an object the size of a naval destroyer. "

not only were the crew disbanded, all evidence disappeared, and silence drop like thunder, that the destroyer involved enjoyed the shortest active history in the united states navy. from commissioning to decomissioning it was in service for all of three years.

Ordered: 1942
Laid down: 22 February 1943
Launched: 25 July 1943
Commissioned: 27 August 1943
Decommissioned: 17 June 1946
Stricken: 26 March 1951
Fate: Sold to Greece 15 January 1951, renamed HS Leon (D-54), stricken in 1991"

there is no official record of the service of the eldridge between the day it was launched in jul 25 1943 and it's first active duty in jan 4 1944.

"She was launched on 25 July 1943, sponsored by Mrs. John Eldridge, Jr., widow of Lieutenant Commander Eldridge, and commissioned on 27 August 1943 with Lieutenant C. R. Hamilton, USNR, in command.

Between 4 January 1944 and 9 May 1945, Eldridge sailed on the vital task of escorting to the Mediterranean Sea men and materials to support Allied operations in North Africa and on into southern Europe. She made nine voyages to deliver convoys safely to Casablanca, Bizerte, and Oran."

so, for 5 1/2 months from 25 july 1943 what was this ship doing?? it was commissioned on 27 august 1943. the experiment took place on october 28 1943. and the entire ship, project and crew kept upder wraps until january 4 1944. what happened? and what went so badly wrong that it took 2 months to clean up?

i dont think it was an invisibility experiment. einsteins unified theory wasn't about bending light around an object - it was about bending space. i think the eldridge was a failed (if you count it in human cost, which paranoid governments do not) or successful (if you count it in terms that the ship actually did it) experiment in warp state motion.

eye witness accounts are thin on the ground. and successive american governments long ago made it a specialty of hiding the truth in fiction. some might say artists. the is even an official wording for it - plausible deniability.

searching across the internet, this is the bones of what seems to be agreed upon -

"Four hours later it returned to its original place. There was a ** greenish haze ** on deck. Some of the sailors were on fire. Some seemed insane. All were sick. Some had heart attacks. Some were dead. Some were part of the super structure of the ship, buried in the deck or walls of the ship. Some reports said that men just seemed to disappear and were never seen again."

where was it for 4 hours?.... and what was it that the destroyer passed through which caused molecular instablility? here's another thought for you - given how i described what a craft in warp or d'att state would appear if seen by the naked eye (difficult except in certain light conditions and with say perhaps 20/22 or better vision (one eye has to be sharper than the other), well that would explain the other name given to the project, wouldn't it? - project 'rainbow'.

just where/how did they develope the technology when einstein and tesla barely got their theories off the ground? salvaged alien space craft. obviously, though, these valuable artifacts were not to be used in any risky experiment. destroyers and men to crew them are much more expendable.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

sathya sai baba - the man who would be god

sathya sai baba - born sathyanarayana raju, family name ratnakaram in 1926 - claims to be the reincarnation of the sai baba of shirdi who died in 1918. the sai baba of shirdi was regarded as a saint by his hindu and muslem followers.

in one lifetime he's gone from being devoted as a saint by his followers to proclaiming himself a god. not only that but the one mohammed said would succeed him and in his next life he's coming back as jesus. the man likes to get around, in a religions sense.

so here is a man that expects to be worshiped. that his devoted followers not pray to 'god' or 'allah' or any other name but his. would you pray to this man? sathya sai baba uses slight-of-hand and parlour tricks, and the blind devotion of his followers to make 'miracles' happen and 'prove' his divinity. and as previously mentioned, endorsed by the mysterious 'ascended masters'.

the sai baba of shirdi was so humble that he never told anyone his real name. he practised, taught and was devoted to both hinduism and islam. in his teachings sai baba emphasised the importance of performing one's duties without attachment to earthly matters and being ever content regardless of the situation. he encouraged charity and sharing with others, and said that the world and all that the human may give is transient and only god and his gifts are eternal. he never made any claims himself regarding his divinity and never wore an orange robe. he wore the typical garb of a sufi fakir - white kafni and cloth cap.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

d'att technology on earth

"humans, as a species, has the potential for greatness. but your kind can be as destructive as it is creative. unfortunately, when it is the minority which has power, you tend to destruction. one day, your people may discover how close they came to their end at the hands of the few.

earth is a precious place. treasure it. and remember the future is not always written by the conquerors of the past. but be warned, the danger is not ended." - tahn

(from 'interesting words')
d'att (= d'att has come to mean a number of things. however it can be best described on worlds which have some conception or imagination of the possibilities of space travel and technology as warp state. however, contrary to the science fiction stories known on earth where warp state is not yet public knowledge, it is possible to stay stationery in warp state indefinitely. being in spirit state or state of being as a spirit is how worlds more primitive would describe it when they witnessed the gold gleam or streak of personal craft when they accelerate or a 'door' (bulkhead) of unusual colour where there is nothing solid, or when they 'hear' the voices of the crew.

what is called shaving in 'jadohr of illagret's explanation of ascension' can only be done by those in warp state. this celular splitting is also called d'att. american military made this again a popular pasttime around the known universe amongst the cruely inclined. they, the americans, call it being 'dattified'.

those in warp state can of course cause immeasurable harm on a physical body, including experimental surgery and even telecasting it. 'tagging' or wiring of various kinds can be done to unsuspecting experimental subjects, and other monsterous experiments as well. they can also attack and harm, torture and murder the crews of other ships in warp state, and shades stolen for amusement. also it's the perfect way to pretend to be 'gods', 'spirits', or 'messengers of your god'. on world more socially advanced they claim to be ascended masters, divas, angels, godheads, god's spokepersons and such).

d'att transmats are electronic copies generates originally as a safety measure in case of transmat failure. these can be used to create clones. (end)

.... one might wonder who the "american elder masters" are. note the mention of sai baba. does he have alien/d'att links? apparently

... a 'universal avatar'. how generous of them. apparently his organisatition is also eager to create historical links for him personally to more traditional religions. as in islam, being they claim the one mohammed predicted would follow him.

more d'att claims to previous lives lived, to envelope and involve other faiths. this time the 'ascended masters' claim to have led lives as tibetan lamas.

not that i would believe it, if i were you. el moyra described one of his past lives as tibetan mahatma. "mahatma" is indian for a start, and NOT a religions title. int the indian language it means 'great soul', and was only given to one man by his admirers - mohondas karamchand gandi.

.... then again the guy also claims to have been king arthur. ahem, there was no king arthur. historically he was a chieftan at best. seraphis bey did the same thing (see 'the ascension lie'). he claimed to be both amenhotep iii and his son amenhotep iv at the same time.

is avatar another word for 'god'? because according to this man it is. oh, and by the way, he is one.... what i think is that at the tender age of eight sathyanarayana raju ratnakaram, born and raised in the remote vilage of puttaparthi (located in anantapur district, andhra pradesh) was, like a very young eduard 'billy' meier and young geraldine innocente, practised upon and manipulated by aliens in d'att or warp state.

apparently there's a few more 'gods' out there than we thought...

but if we limited ourselves to more corporeal terms, what could 'ascended masters' with their advanced technology be? aliens from more technologically advanced worlds. and avatars - gods - well apparently these technologically advanced aliens expect to be worshipped...... or obeyed

and to promote their agenda of world dominance though 'new world' thinking and metaphysical 'faiths' they seed the schools of such thinking with how wonderful they are, how superior they are, and the not so subtle suggestion that we (the ignorant masses ruled by the new government and those unfortunate to be living in countries not in that axis of rule) the technologically inferior couldn't do anything about it anyway. they're already here and preparations have been underway for decades. perhaps up to centuries.

.... ascended masters in the hollow earth. underground tunnels.

in 1989 newcastle, new south wales, australia, suffered earthquake 5.6 ricktor scale. seismologist wag on about them being caused by 'folds' where the mountains are (anyone know if they got any taller??). someone even wildly postulated it was caused by the coal mines. the fact is that newcastle is 80km away from the foot of the mountains.

another fact is that australia is smack bang in the middle of the most stable tektonic plate on the globe. so how does continent nowhere near the edge of tektonic plate, suffer an earthquake underground, on land??

...... i don't think it did. i think that if someone got that instrument they used to scan under the sphinx in egypt and did a little nosing around they would find a massive tunnel, part of which runs down the coast between newcastle (or tunnel remains for that part. remember there was an 'earthquake') and sydney,and down beyond camberra to antarctica. northwards, it would be coming from pine gap, in the northern territory, an american military missile base. i also believe there's one stretching across europe and into mongolia, there's a branch that goes down into the vatigan. there's one under the wheat belt region in the united states. they do interlink, these great underground tunnels, but i don't know where.

so they are here - now. but since when? how long have they hand an 'active interest' in earth? lets look at the first 'new age' movement to gain popularity in the usa. the 'bridge to freedom' movement. and it's little know predecessor which has taken off big-time since the death of the bridge to freedom founder.

(information from wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
"The Bridge to Freedom was established in 1951 by Geraldine Innocente and other Students of the Ascended Masters, after she received what was believed to be an Anointing by ascended master El Moyra to become a Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood. [1] This organization believed that their teachings had been given to humanity by the Ascended Masters. These were believed to be individuals who had lived in physical bodies, acquired the Wisdom and Mastery needed to become Immortal and Free of the cycles of "re-embodiment" and karma, and attained their "Ascension".

The members of The Bridge to Freedom claimed that a Dispensation and Sponsorship was given by the Ascended Masters for this Ascended Master Activity to be an outer organization representing the "Great Brotherhood of Light", and a continuation of the previous efforts by the Ascended Masters to bring Illumination to mankind through Theosophy, Agni Yoga, and the Saint Germain Foundation.

The members of The Bridge to Freedom believed that Ascended Master El Morya contacted Geraldine Innocente in 1944 and asked her to make a certain application on a daily basis. The story was told that Morya returned one year later asking if she would consent to receive a series of **Discourses from the Maha Chohan**. Geraldine was said to have agreed, and then underwent years of training in preparation for her role in the 1950s as a Messenger for the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Cosmic Beings, Elohim, and Others of the Spiritual Hierarchy. She served officially in the capacity of Messenger in from the inaugural Vesta Dictation on July 17, 1951 until her unfortuante death on June 21, 1961."

i've searched the internet, and it's very hard to find anything out about this woman to whom the acsensionist movement owes so much. not even her date of birth. but to read a little more about her, her mother and my own theories about what really happened in geraldine's childhood you can read the post titled "montauk project", wed 24 oct 2007

the saint germain foundation... never heard of them? any serious ascensionist has.
"The Saint Germain Foundation is a religious organization, with a major facility just north of Dunsmuir, California, in the buildings and property of the Shasta Springs retreat, and its headquarters in Schaumburg, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago.

The doctrines of the organization are based on teachings and wisdom received by Guy Ballard in 1930. Ballard was hiking on the slopes of Mt. Shasta in California, and claimed Saint Germain appeared to him and began training him to be a "Messenger". Ballard published his experiences in a series of books. The organization's philosophies are known as the '"I AM" Activity,' and its members popularly known as "I AM" Students."

their philosophy? - "It is believed that Ascended Masters are individuals who were once embodied on Earth and learned the lessons of life in their incarnations. They gained mastery over the limitations of the matter planes, ** balanced at least 51% of negative karma **, and fulfilled their Dharma (Divine Plan). An Ascended Master has become God-like and a source of unconditional Love to all life, and through the Ascension has united with his or her own God Self, the "I AM" Presence. It is claimed that they serve as the teachers of mankind from the realms of Spirit, and that all people will eventually attain their Ascension and move forward in spiritual evolution beyond this planet."

there it is again. the 51% discount on soul evolution. you can be spiritually unworthy 51% of the time and still achieve ascension so long as you follow the practices of the 'ascended masters'.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

the truth behind the new world order

the power bases behind the new world order.
how ignorance is used to control the masses.
how history is rewritten by those with the power.
and how will our future be controlled?

those ignorant of the past are doomed to repeat it. an old, common and very true expression. do not watch these unless you have the 2 1/2 hours each requires. and be prepared to watch it 2 or 3 times. nobody could take it all in, in one hit.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

kyoto accord - the big fat lie

the kyoto accord must be the biggest load of crud since CFC's were blamed for the greenhouse effect. (it's ClFC's btw. now everyone grab their periodic tables and work out why thats's impossible.)

let's first look at the way it's measures - carbon dioxide emissions. according to the collins student world atlas, published in 2005 so we may assume it's up-to-date, the worst offenders based on the raw, unadulterated data for 2002 are usa, china, russia and japan. eleventh down the list is australia. yet round the world the kyoto greenies decry australia's massive pollution output and how we're (yes, i'm an aussie) failing the world with our dirty blue skies and fluffy white clouds and air so fresh you could gag.

so how do the more poluting nations get away with their 'clean, green' image? i'll let you in on their dirty little secret. they get to pay their way out of industrial reform. they buy their absolution. it's called carbon credits. overpoluting this year? buy you way out of enviro-trouble and keep the shine on that greasy smile.

they also get to hide behind the statistical fairytale known as 'per capita'. 'percentage wise' or 'proportionally' you can breathe the air in tokyo, japan and it tastes sweeter than sydney, australia. just don't try it without a gas mask.

statistics, as any cynic or mathemation will tell you, can prove anything.

interesting and also contributing to the joke that is kyoto is the list of greenhouse gases as stated in the 1997 protocol.

lets have a look at what is on it and what IS NOT on the list;
CARBON DIOXIDE. every animal on earth breathes it out, and so does every plant when it's sickly or in the dark (night, for example). heard of carbon sinks? the pumping and sealing of carbon dioxide artificially and conveniently burying it somewhere. one **slight** problem everyone seems to have overlooked. it has TWO OXYGEN ATOMS!! we happen to need that if we want to continue living.

METHANE. ok, farting is out. so is organic decomposition of any kind, so don't use the toilet either. you are contributing to the greenhouse effect. naughty you. also don't die, it'll only make things worse. forget composting, it may be good for the soil, but again methane is released and that's a big no-no.

HYDROFLOUROCARBONS. this one was brought out to replace CFCs, even though, if it is just a hydrogen, flourine, carbon mocule as the name suggests, as a much lighter molecule they would have to be able to drift upwards into the atmosphere higher. want to know what is in your child's asthma inhaler and nebuliser? you're looking at it. they are also used in refrigerants, blowing foam plastics and aerosols.

a more sensible replacement would have been HYDROCHOLOFLOUROCABONS. but everyone **knows** that chloride is the bad guy. don't they?... by the way, nobody come back and pretend to me that HCFCs are a new discovery.

now for what is NOT ON THE LIST:
the scapegoat of the 1980's, chloroflourocarbons. what, now it's got nothing to do with it? in **theory** it couldn't get off the ground anyway. as a molecule it's just too heavy.

and for the last little mystery - hydrocarbons. light, fluffy, found in areosol cans around the world AND KNOWN TO CAUSE PHOTOCHEMICAL SMOG. they definitely get up into the atmosphere.

heres something else about the 1997 protocol you may not have heard about -

have a proposal and don't want some insignificant pacific nation protesting? form a subcommittee and don't invite them. of course there is a "provision" for them to respond when the (favourable) research is presented, but since they weren't involved in the research, and couldnt fund to challenge the findings anyway with their own investigation, how can they present any environmental, social or economic impact studies anyway. "mutatis mutandis" is latin for "don't like it? wear it."

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

the faces of mars

this is probably one of the most famous space images of all time. the face on mars - used first to actively encourage interest in nasa's interplanetory exploration ambitions. then to quell it (when further 'analysis' declared it a natural phenomomyn and not 'face like' at all) when the political agenda changed. it was taken in 1976 by the viking orbiter in the region known as cydonia, at latitude 40° north. it's size, as best they could judge it, was roughly 2.5 km (1.6 miles) long, 2 km (1.2 miles) wide and up to 940 m (2,600 ft. high).

there were two other images taken, so they claimed of the same area, one in 1998 and later in 2001. to put it simply, i don't believe they are the same face. i also believe that the subsequent images were doctored to make them appear similar. firstly look carefully at the first image. the drop from the jaw to the mars surface is steep and pronounced. the second - the 1998 image shows a clear shelf or ledge. the third is different again. and for a mere 3yrs difference there seems to be marked erosion for them to be of the same monument. BUT both the 1998 and 2001 images DO SHOW DEFINITE LAYERS IN THEIR CONSTRUCTION!! just in different places when you look over the brow. and it seems, despite the advancements in technology, they couldn't manage to get the focus right on the background/surface.

in the 1976 image you also clearly see bumps over the top of the head and a rather distinct mouth. on the 1998 one there seems to be a cleft palate?... and they want us to believe these are all of the same 'landform'.

now a little playing around with the 2001 photo -

okay, so i did a little creative editing myself. but then, nasa did it first.

Monday, February 25, 2008

paypal servers not secure

my paypal account was interfered with. transaction records were changed. emails of actual transactions **no longer match the on-site history**. doesn't matter, you say? afterall they still got paid. i still got my items. but that isn't the point. it's another case of financial records freely altered my some unscrupulous organisation.i picked this up on three recent purchase records. paypal does email you the instant you make a payment or 'send money'. and my emails go to my gmail account. so i still have them.

two of the payments were for ebay purchases. the other transaction was to pay extra to make up for the postage method i chose. now, while i can't say 100% when the transaction history on-site was changed, i'm pretty damned sure it was only in the last month...

date/time stamps and transaction ids are highlighted for comparison.

well, with my paypal account also interfered with, that means that every financial account i've had has been accessed by some "unknown party" and altered in some way - my savings account, both visa and mastercard accounts, and now my paypal account. i did email them to inform them of this breach of security but no response thus far, aside from that it will be 'escalated'. so here it is now, like the rest, on my blog.

one might ask why. well, if this was happening regularly to any number of accounts worldwide, who never noticed their records being changed, and whose banks also held no record of electronic money disappearing and reappearing, i'd say it was so that certain governments could play the short term money market. putting a few extra zeros on their national account might be a bit obvious, but speculating is one way to launder illegal funds. money for nothing.

.... you think somebody doesn't like me? somebody that uses the rootkit server virus to steal funds? alter website content? interfere with people's lives? somebody? just to prove they can, despite me posting off the screenshots to both my bank and to asio because it won't change a thing? some body.... or some governments?

i think they just don't like me because i would not be convinced that i had past lives lived in servitude of some great cause. because i would not play their game. and because in a desperate effort to understand what was happening to me i searched the internet, and found i wasn't the only one. i am possibly the only one, however, with a bent for gathering information and trying, at least, to let others know.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.