Tuesday, January 8, 2008

the ascension lie

the ascended "masters", or those who speaks on their behalf, always boast of their importance. and of the wisdom accumilated from their "past lives". i accuse them of totally faking it!! who, exactly, remembers their past lives anyway??? who can claim to have been reborm as only key figures in earth's history (what, the rest of the universe not popular enough?)??? some kind if divine plan? or one great lie!!

here is one group that got caught out with their own propaganda - serapis bey, supposed ascended master of the 4th ray, supposedly born as akhenaton AND his father, amenhotep iii, at the same time....

someone figure that out. his name, btw ("by the way" for the uninitiated), means "amun is satisfied", **not** "the magnificent"

and here's another bit of wisdom from the followers of serapis bey. assention (soul development?) now comes at a discount!! however it is not an original concept - read lie - from his lips. the so-called saint germain told the same thing to his pet human

..... consumerism at it's best. no wonder they took it down from their website. however this little gem was still cached.

another 'ascended master' caught out. el moyra claims through his followers to have been "el moyra khan, the greatest of the tibetan mahatmas". only there is no such thing. mahmatma is not a religious title, it is also indian **not tibetan** and means "great soul". only one man in human history was given this sign of admiration by the indian people. that man was mohondas karamchand gandi.

then again, he also claimed to be king arthur. he's not the only one claiming to have been a 'tibetan mahmatma' either. doesn't do their credibility any good, does it?

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.