Thursday, January 24, 2008

clone rankings for calreisans (or sirians)

digaiv (master)
doaga (female master)
eldriedg (the one the master is cloned from)
elgidai-agh (the one the female master is cloned from)
doyajarah (one above eldreidg (wears gold colour medallion)
saultahnet (sounds like saltarney, one above doyajarah. wears silver colour medallion.)
siejafet (one above saultahnet. wears silver/dark red medallion. red colour is reflective as in it 'moves' according to how the light hits it)

wthiout cosmetic modification male and female clones outwardly look the same. they are tall, well proportioned, without body hair and they all wear the same light coloured pearl pink/grey satiny looking long plain gown with a black stocking-like material covering their bald heads, shaped exactly to their heads and necks. they don't speak verbally as a rule. and being clones, out of necessity their telepathy is so controlled they can commuicate without 'voice' telepathically. only words are received. and when choosing not to be 'heard', no thoughts escape.

over thousands of years of "medical advancement" and cloning, the calreisans no longer look as they once did in atlantean times. then, they had small horn or barb -like protrusions all over their faces and bodies. now their very much synthetic skin is smooth and featureless.

i think there is another kind of clone species, except they wear all grey. they might be unmodified calleschients. modified they loose all restraint, and since away from the thoroughly controlling telepathic clone structure they find themselves uninhibited, some of the things they do are pretty disgusting. how they look modified (as in their favourite schematic) is shown in "snippets of conversation", along with a better idea of their behaviour.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.