Friday, January 11, 2008

is this what caused the hole in the ozone layer over the south pole/australia???

testing in the south pole research centers (america has two)? is that why a hole "suddenly appeared"? who has seen this array in antarctica??

...... that is what it is designed to do...

the public patent (number 4686605, lodged by raytheon, the 5th largest american defence contractor), was titled "a method and apparatus for altering a region of the earth's atmosphere, ionisphere (where the ozone layer is), and magnetosphere", and claimed the following uses - cause total disruption of all forms of communications over a very large portion of the earth; missile or aircraft destruction, deflection or confusion; **weather modification by altering solar absorbtion (ie THE OZONE LAYER)** ALSO **altering the composition of the atmosphere**. this patent was classied by the navy under a national security order in 1987.

who has seen these? contact me
because that "hole" triggered the global warming movement. and it isn't "healing", as they call it on the news. it's simply closing over, resulting in an overall thinning of the ozone layer which protects our world and makes life on our planet possible.

here is a diagram of the antartica showing the ozone layer thickness between years 1982 and 1994. this comes from the hardcover book titled "Weather - Revised and Updated", published as a revised edition 2007 by The Five Mile Press Pty Ltd, victoria, australia. original copyright 1996 US Weldon Owen Ltd and Weldon Owen Pty Ltd. ISBN:978-1-74178-762-7

the writing is as follows -
THE OZONE HOLE over Antarctica, shown in dark red and pink (above), has grown since the early 1980s. The colours represent ozone concentrations, from dark red for the lowest, through pink, blue, and yellow, to green for the highest.

.... one has to wonder who's teritorial bases were under the center of it at the time, and whether it was "gradual" as claimed - and if it was, why wasnt it noticed earlier?? - or a rather sudden consequence of an american experiment. and note the rather small band of pink around the red bit in the 1986 map. a drastic drop in a relatively small area.

one also has to wonder if chloroflourocarbons (CFC) was just a scapegoat used to cover the real cause up.

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a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.