Sunday, January 20, 2008

the intentions of many

the intentions of those that attack me as i have figured out so far -

the americans, british and israeli because i have both exposed their illegal activitity with the banking systems worldwide and the experientation done on foreign soil which they thought they would never be held accountable for, as well as human experimentation.

the various alien species for bioinfusion, and well any kind of effacy (a word they learnt from the americans) test needing a subject. as well as sheer amusement. and because i couldn't be convinced that i had "served" the 'ascended master' pricks in my past lives. and sure as hell wasn't going to be spreading their rubbish now.

established religion because their doctrine and power over the masses relies on 'god' being reachable only through them.

the spirits because they disdained that one who was of a lower soul evolution (ie mortal) could be one of them. apparently they also fear a past soul experience for some reason.

..... a funny thing happened while i was lying on my couch - my selenite stone somehow dropped of the shelf on top of my somewhat untidy computer desk onto the floor a distance of about 1.2 meters across and 1.35 meters down (and under the table, on the floor) from where it was displayed. and it didn't actually 'fall' that far either, from the sound it made when it hit the floor...

my selenite crystal. it is 11.4cm tall and on its base (not quite round) its 5cm by 5.5cm. for the best use it must be on a surface that will spin (or rotate) it to display it's many facets.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.