Wednesday, October 17, 2007

america the traitorous country (2)

my computer was infected with a root-kit virus, recently. and they broke into my house to do it. they loaded it directly into my home computer themselves. the root kit virus was infected with the sole purpose of infecting my computer, and you know why now. its weston's centre at the pensivilania campus which has been monitoring and interfering with my head and the illa d'jhaea insane (like the haig-raith, and many other species not known to this earth. but it is the haig-raith which benefit (and dat:dat illa-dor'rne - a religious leader like this earth's dalai lama)was NEVER ONE OF THEM (he belongs to a different religion but claims to be like budhists), but they always knew it and were also directly involved in his suffering and possible death. but then everone seems to have wanted him dead anyway.... and the haig-raith now enjoy control control over that which is divine) however. those of the united states always knew about me - and they know what i mean by that - and they also know what they have or are destroying and what the universal consequences will be.

** i have learned that it was illador'nes clones that were used against me, and he wasn't ignorant of it either.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.