Thursday, October 4, 2007

decision of the illa:t'hjaea

the federation has proposed to the blessed spirits that they become part of the federation, on condition that they allow the use of transphase technology and prevent illodor'ne from sending his shades to visit somebody because they see this as unjust and prejudiced against those that would use the technology to subjugate that which is less advanced technologically as such 'agent' contact would smooth the way for induction of these less civilised species into the greater galactic community. they believe that such should be allowed by the divine on the grounds of compassion for the poor ignorant peoples who would otherwise be devoid of assistance into a more morally balanced society capable of contributing to the federation as a whole, to which it would become a valuable contributing member. they justify such manipulations as i have seen on the internet as being important to creating a planetary environment suitable for exploitation of its resouces, including the native species as "labour" (which is considered the best way to train said species to appreciate the technological advancements given without destroying itself while still a premature member of the federation). in this respect the supreme court is no better than the high council as this general policy is the widely accepted procedure for induction thoughout the federation, regardless of its negative impacts on developing societies and regardless of their actual state of social/technological evolution.

the answer of the spirits is NO. any corporeal that enters 'dal' state will be considered hostile and a threat to any kind unfamiliar with and unprepared for the devastating effects and influence of their spiritual/religious beliefs which are influenced and changed by by these disguised hostiles over perhaps years and decades, if not for centuries on worlds whose main building material is still stone, for the pupose of take-over, exploitation and habitation of these unfortunate worlds.

although that which is divine can see no benefit of becoming part of the federation and no interest in becoming part of the policing and judicial system of the corporeals (ie a hidden controlling influence like the haig-raith had in mind as a use for them), and have only now been offered recognition as a species or inteligent lifeform as part of the bargaining offered, they hold no interest in again witnessing the horrific suffering of anyone, as they have to the point of being sickened when it was done to too many that they have looked upon with friendly eyes. for this reason they will continue to oppose the use of transphase technology on the forms of that which is corporeal. all threats and cajoling have failed to sway their decision. neither will the outcome of the current instability make a difference, nor accusations that the continued blocking of the technology's use result is physical combat and loss of lives. as it is known that those that accuse were indifferent or actively caused suffering to innocent peoples on worlds they should not have influenced.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.