Friday, October 26, 2007

the lie of gondwana

according to the wikipedia website the tektonic plate the continent of australia is on, if it was possible accerate the movement of the continents, but the continent known as australia is the most stable in the world. it does not have earthquakes of any description, only occasionally feeling tremors in the ground. the techtonic plate drifts eastward at the rate of only few milimeters a year. it does not drift southwards, but eastwards. if any academic reads this can you please correct it with the proper diagrams. and all the map references area

(.... and the gullible managers of the transnet believing that america could "arrange" a nuclear accident set up a loss-making dat corridor through australia, and on top of that us president george bush jnr, british prime minister tony blair and others failed to mention that there too many natural preventions (ie rainfall, popularity of jewellery, natural diamond deposits and even the desert sand interfered with dat radar). and also belived that they had the technological equipment to reverse their condition (dat state, so they could have a "landing base" in australia so that they could "jump" in dat further). it was all a lie. there is no way to move an island in the middle of a tectonic plate southwards when the tectonic plate it is on moves steadily east. furthermore these gullible fools actually belived they would be change to natural state without even testing the truth when it should be obvious from the canncerous state of some of the human effacy test that they just dont have the technology. and, conveniently, all transphase experiments (the people of australia) were to act as bait to draw them in, and hopefully be destroyed by them - more evidence conveniently destroyed for the americans. these fools were doing the dirty work for america for nothing, absolutely free.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.