Saturday, October 27, 2007

irradiating the australian population

project delamere

american smart bombs use irradiated plutonium. it is believed they are safe as that was what they claimed there effacy test results. after all, food application and commercial uses, in low doses, seems safe enough.

but how safe was/is it? when PLUTONIUM MOX is more deadly than any other radioactive source? it is a weapons-grade blend of plutonium oxide and uranium oxide. i doubt it was ever mentioned that that was the powder in the high altitude weather baloons. and australia has been overdosing on it because of american effacy tests there is high amount of irradaiated plutonoum in the soil of country and east coast of australian and eastwards to the soloman islands at least. it is taken up by our crops and vegetables and becomes part of our staple diet. because of the half life of irradiated plutonium, it will only affect or 'fresh food' - our lettuces and other vegetable with a high liquid content is where it will be most evident if samples are tested before before the irradiated plutonium is 'decayed'.

remember it is in our air and our water and our fresh produce. as such, australia and the pacific islands are in great danger of becoming a sterile people. and should any of this information be taken seriously and proper testing be carried out on the soil and produce and captured rain water then the united states of america would be liable for compensation and damages claims to a value which would be absolutely incalculable.

but if you want to take it seriously - here's how. firstly the farmlands of queensland in particular, where toenails will be growing scaly, green tinged and clawing over like talons. this will have be investigated in peoples born in central queensland and living their lives in the same region, and currently aged between 40 and 80 years of age.

also of great concern is the growing rarity of the green tree frog. with their incredibly thin skin, i suspect it is the constant exposure to irradiated rainfall which is destroying the species. given also that as tadpoles they would actually be living in irradiated water, their capacity to reproduce is probably not that great either.

.... maybe that's why australias birth rates are going down?

in 2002 the british navy hauling plutonium mox through the pacific islands for no particular reason **totally ignoring their territorial water rights**, i would suspect that studying soil, toenail and green crop samples would yield interesting results there, too, given that they are in the drift path for any weather balloons released from pine gap.

addendum: those that observe off-world do take note and will hold record

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.