Wednesday, October 17, 2007

a sincere apology to dat:dat illo-dor'rne and the world from president george w bush and the truth

i hereby admit culpablility in the actions of the united states in the defence of her country and what we thought was the only way to save our world, in the attempted murder of da:dat illo-dor'rne, and apologise to the religion of which he is founder and highest leader, because our government's change of heart and policy may have come to late for our resussative attempts to be successful. i also accept full responsibility for the deaths of any my fellow world leaders that may be the direct result of our involvement with the haig-raith, who may yet manage to take over the world due to my govenment's neglect in duty of care to humanity itself. signed george w. bush, junior, president of the united states of america. though i do not believe i will be around for much longer to serve my country in this capacity as i do feel that i should resign my office for my office, i hope that my current efforts to redeem the situation put pay to vanessa's claims of capitulation and murder of the guardian angels. i fully understand his followers refusal to believe this confession and their own suicide and contribution to the murder of their spiritual leader. it's unfortunate that the extreme duress they have suffered, including our own contribution to their suffering as a whole has driven them once again to such extreme action and what can only be described as insanity.

addendum: threat to dat:dat illodor'rne
the follow message was just received using the frequencies that were discarded 40years ago from president george w. bush, united states of america. you are hereby warned that we have put our own transphasal technology in the bodies of you and all your people, and the woman known as vanessa bennett of australia. we warn you that unless you remove your vessel from this galaxy, which we will know because of the included telemetry devices in the design, we will inject vanessa transphased cyanide until her death. we know from her website ( of the importance of her relationship to you and have already begun to ensure your co-operation.

because the united nations (excluding china, india and australia) began poisoning da:dat illodor'rne over 8mths ago with transphased cyanide, a substance unknown to himself and his innocent congregation, the religious leader of what is their version of budhism, died this morning approximate 7:20 am, sydney australia time. the haig-raith have achieved all their aims but two, firstly earth is not yet subjugated and the spirit race known as guardians is not under their control. however since they have sworn that on the death of the earth woman vanessa that they will commit suicide, they have deemed that it is no longer necessary to destroy the earth as yet. we prefer our subjects of the federation to be at a level of technology useful to the supreme court/council, which is not estimated to occur for the next 7 years earth time. we will return at that event, and terminate vanessa at that time. until then we have several million shades to analyse to determine the chief characteristics of a returned soul of an age necessary to become an archangel.

on delivery of the message via high frequency radio communication, the archangel michael remembered he hadnt destroyed the suffering shades with his newly developed strength/ability. this new ability, shared by all his brother will serve the sole purpose of protecting vanessa til the end of her days and other planets that have not developed the technology and use that technology to cause wanton suffering to other people will now be protected, with the exception of the earth where only vanessa and her australian continent will be protected, along with only those countries that were not involved in the imminent death of dat:dat illo dor'ne. so swear the guardians, known as angels and archangels on earth.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.