Wednesday, October 24, 2007

montauk project

The Montauk Project was "purportedly" a series of secret United States government projects conducted at Camp Hero or Montauk Air Force Station on Montauk, Long Island, New York state for the purpose of developing a powerful psychological war weapon**. It is considered by most to be a hoax. No evidence confirming the experiment actually occurring has ever surfaced nor has evidence of any underground facility been found. - wikipedia online enclopedia

now note the woman on his right. that is mary lehane innocente. webpages have recently been altered (along with the original photo in some cases) naming this woman as her daughter geraldine innocente, brought into the project the first "subject" as a child when "contacted" by el moyra.

(from the bridge to freedom website) "Beloved Ascended Master El Morya contacted Geraldine Innocente in 1944 and asked her to make a certain application on a daily basis. One year later, He returned asking if she would consent to receive a series of Discourses from the beloved Maha Chohan. She agreed, and then underwent years of training in preparation for her role in the 1950's. She served officially in the capacity of Messenger in The Bridge to Freedom Activity from the inaugural Vesta Dictation on July 17, 1951 until the transition from her physical body on June 21, 1961.".... was montauk the first to use the alias el morya?
geraldine's family, btw, lived on long island, new york.
mary lehane innocente/geraldine innocente - even though both women as young adults looked similar, note the difference in the nose, and compare it to the black and white photo above. also the dress that mary lehane innocente wears predates fashionwise geraldine's birthdate. yet both photos are presented all over the internet as being geraldine. with the actual one steadily being replaced....

her mother co-founded with her the bridge to freedom movement in 1951. mary died in 1960 and within a year her daughter geraldine died of "an accidental overdose of medications that she was taking for a health condition"....

** artificial telepathy and psy-telepaths (psychological telepaths)

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.