Wednesday, October 24, 2007

truth and consequences

to everyone on earth who reads this.
there were two galactic organisations - freespace federation (run by the supreme court/council) and haig-raith (run by the high council). the freespace federation were painted as murderous and the haig-raith were painted as our saviours and future allies, and succesive usa governments, and from this day all members of the united nations, but specifically china, korea, usa, and israel (isreal being most active in slowly poisoning me, although i have lymphatic cancer). will stick to this story, although they know the truth and one day the earth will be subjugated by the haig-raith as serf/slaves. i also have a problem that my toenails are turning green. the little ones in particular and they are warped in their growth.

why and how? america developed transphasal power, with light and sound. they beamed these experimentally from their south pole bases directly northwards, and that means australia. however no effacy tests were carried out and the beam affected far into what has earlier been called dat (by the haig-raith) and dal by the freespace federation.

basically i have been wired by the american black ops unit which developed military applications for the trichlorizine. and have essenially had my mind addled by that, and destroyed literally by the sound/light experiments. that is what has given me cancer, that is what will shorten the lives of all australians. unfortunately these beam experiments have been occuring for the last 44 years, based on technologies scavenged from crashed alien craft (think roswell). also unfortunately these beams have affected countries north of australia - india and china. think the "new world order" sites scattered across the internet. unfortunately these sites will be modified slightly in the near future if they havent already, because the beam travelled much further to affect all countries north of australia and deep into space. teleport (or transmat experiments) were also begun. these beams travelled so far into dal/dat they caused cancer in millions of people in the haig-raith empire and when the dish array was turned around (southwards), millions in the freespace federation. the death toll had climbed to billions in both because to avoid explaining to the prime minister of australia, and avoid stopping their experimentation on humanity itself let alone having to account for the murder of so many innocent and unsuspecting billions.

the terrible thing is the use of roswell and the pencivillania facility to control the archangel michael and his host after he appealed for an end to the slaughter. they, their best parapsycholical analysts (puppetmasters) began little games to control them and turn them into a murdering force until they achieved their ultimate goal of turning them into murderous helpers in the final murder of two empires which have coexisted in peace for nearly 20000 years. no longer able to bear it the archangel michael has released himself to the universe, and in so doing so all that which is divine ends with him. somewhere i have read that he and his hosts will return when the universe has finished expanding and contraction and begun to expand again. i hope so. the universe is unfit for such as he when his appeals for kindness go unheard.

i am never going to go to a hospital. i would rather die of this cancer than suffer the manipulation of the puppetteers (mosfet, israel) and puppetmasters (black ops, usa). i am sick of being of being experimented on myself - of the mind games - the artificial telepathic messages to go to kirribille house, sydney or to the parliament house in canberra. i am sick of having money dissappear and reappear from my bank accounts and emails not going through. i am sick of being so confused and sick that i miss days off work and keep losing whatever employment i manage to find. i am sick of the array of transphased poisions injected into my body and the radioactive bits and fluids pushed into my chest. no wonder i have coughing fits. and the resting rate of my heart is the same as when i move arround. i am sick of the threats that i will die in months - weeks - hours.

i hope i am never reborn. i think the universe is unfit too. may the wolves feed on the flesh of the wolves.

ps i did go to kirribillee on the promise that a security guard would be waiting at the gate. and to canberra where i stayed at the pleasant motel, off melrose road, woden when urged the same way. i put my name and address on the card provided but i got rego wrong, putting my rego as WVW59 instead of VWV59.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.