Monday, October 8, 2007

decision of the illa:t'hjaea (2)

on this day, sept 8 2007, the illa-t'hjaea have been summoned by the supreme court to justify their existence (although not actually in their presense they did understand what was offered and communicate that understanding), meaning to justify why they should be acknowleged as a distinct species. to be acknoleged as such would, so they claim, offer such benefits as the right to own property, to have a legal currency tendered and exchangable with standard monetary units, to have physical soveriegnty over planets they have proof of origin for and as circumstances legally permit they will have the right to accuse in court those which have raped with intent (passed through the ethereal form of the spirit so violated, the complication being that not all individual planetary governing systems believe that rape can be done by a being that is not physical as they claimed those in 'dat' or fully transphased are).

as all of this is patently of no benefit to that which is divine, all attempts to sway them to allowing indiscrimately the use of transphase technology on organics (ie corporeal beings), the supreme court has in its 'wisdom', decided to pass judgement that while divine do not officially exist, they can still be held responsible for any and all intererference judged to be done by what they are. and cases brought against them will be tried as such.

it was also ruled at the same proceedings that to rape using technology (artificial means) is not deemed as rape in the legal sense, and as such victims have no legal recourse to the justice of the supreme court.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.