Saturday, October 27, 2007

the end of atlantis

for all those that have been reading so far and remember me mentioning that i was an 'old soul' here is something from the far past in earth's history. atlantis as a people and as in the island atlantis on earth met its end in 6825BC. it was the advent of what is now known as d'att technology. and the first thing they did, and their target was purposely chosen, was to destroy the most peaceful species in the galaxy. a slowly dying kind called atlanteans, who already knew the end of their species approached and accepted it as a natural occurance.

the atlantean were a peaceful people, whose regard for nature was so great that it dictated law and philosophy. as a people they were precognative telepaths and strongly empathic. their sense of unity and peace was strong. as an eldar race they took great care to nurture but not interfere with the developement of younger species and societies. their world had died, and in dying had presented them with diseases which their science could not overcome. they as a species were left slowly dying as less and less children were born. this is why dat:dat tahn was treated so preciously. not just because he was blind and needed care, but because he was one of the last children born to their race. atlanteans were devoted to their world, they tended it as their sun turned red. their solar system had only 2 world capable of supporting life - keridos and kalidos. however kalidos was different and the life it supported did not breath the same air as keridos. they the atlanteans ever had a devotion to life and would not alter their other world, which they responsibly cared for, to suit their own kind at what would have been the expense of every living creature on it, the only surviving species which is now called planta.

the island atlantis on earth was between the landmasses of russia and alaska. it was destroyed by a siesmic bomb, which would be known in earth terms as a terraformer. being on the edge of two tectonic plates it was destroyed utterly, lost beneath the waves forever. at the time of island atlantis' destruction, the dat:dat there was named tahn. there were only two other atlantean colonies and they too were destroyed. one was elreishia atlantis, whose dat:dat was sashma. the other was tohredel atlantis. the dat:dat there was elmeir.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.