Saturday, October 27, 2007

projects i have been used as a test subject for

fetal experimentation - project rockhampton
fetal experimentation on women admitted to rockhampton base hospital (using us doctors working from rockhampton base hospital - an australian public hospital - supporting the american bases or military encampments), 26 subjects 1966-1972 besides myself survived (not intended). fine wire identifier in nose and second one, radio tracking device working in ultra high microwave frequencies in right shoulder (activated relay), which interfered with muscle develoment meaning the right shoulder is lower than the left. fine wire transplants entering through the naval, face of fetus and wiring network right and left optic nodes of developing brain, to be activated at a later date as a communication in potential black operatives.

25 other subjects survived initial implants. 35 failures, which would have come to full term physically underveloped and dying during the mother's contrations.

project illonois
same thing - fetal experimentation. one surviver only, but born blue with skeltal deformities. mother told was dead. baby revived named and became focus of project camden because wire insertion fetus 'woke up' (became aware and in pain) screaming telepathically. survived birth but single mother told that he had died at childbirth. subject raised and trained at montauk.

intelligence development - project genui
experment to determine if brain growth/ neuron density has a direct relationship developmental intelligence. as a subject i was called a failure because my parents could not afford to pay for my eductation further than high or secondary school.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.