Wednesday, October 24, 2007

from the captains of the ghost brigade

we, either as shades in the afterlife will always be around to protect vanessa and australia. many of the the australian shades, both army and civilans both helped and fought for our country, against the us military shades despite our ethicity. "you will find only enemies here because what you do is against god under whichever name we call him".

we of iapola and tregasea also fight your alies alesia and calriesient respectively, for now we are true spirits and lay blame of our deaths (terraforming of our innocent worlds) on those responsible.

you want help - we'll give you help. all those transphased dna copies we put in you body after we raped you ought to settle your soul for good you bitch. i see you're typing this but someone's always video taping you. they'll thank us for this. a sequil to the rape of a so-called blessed spirit.

dna copies or clones from israel.

About Me

a thinker (i hope) and i hope to make other people think as well. nothing should be assumed as rote just because everyone else says it too.